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Presence of lupus anticoagulant in an asymptomatic Nigerian

E E Olayemi
G N Bazuaye


Background:The lupus anticoagulant (LA) is one of the antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL), which prolong phospholipid- dependent coagulation tests by interfering with coagulation reactions that depend on protein - phospholipid complexes in vitro.
Method:A 25 year old \'healthy\' male Nigerian was screened for the presence of any coagulation abnormality using the KCT, PT and platelet count; after volunteering for his plasma to be used in the preparation of normal pooled plasma in a study.
Results: He was discovered to have a prolonged KCT, PT and normal platelet count. Based on the prolonged KCT his plasma was subjected to mixing studies with various concentration of normal pooled plasma; the KCT index was calculated and a curve was plotted. His KCT index was 1.6 and the curve convex in the left axis suggesting the presence of LA. His past medical history and physical examination were not remarkable.Three months after the initial study, a repeat KCT index was 1.4 and the subject asymptomatic.
Conclusion: From literature review this is the first report of LA in an asymptomatic adult Nigerian; the importance of this finding is discussed.

African Health Sciences Vol. 7 (3) 2007: pp. 182-184

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eISSN: 1729-0503
print ISSN: 1680-6905