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Total β-carotene content of orange sweetpotato cultivated under optimal conditions and at a rural village

Mieke Faber
Sunette M Laurie
Paul J van Jaarsveld


At community level, sweetpotato is often cultivated in marginal soils, with low agricultural inputs and is harvested when needed. Total β-carotene content of orange sweetpotato harvested four, five and six months after planting at optimal cultivation conditions and at a rural village was determined. Compared to those produced under optimal conditions, sweetpotato produced under rural village conditions were smaller, had higher β-carotene content and required a smaller serving size to provide 100% of the dietary vitamin A requirements. Harvesting at four, five and six months after planting at a rural village showed gradual increases in β-carotene content; no change was observed under optimal conditions. Differences in β-carotene content due to harvesting time and management level should be considered in food-based interventions addressing vitamin A deficiency.

Keywords: Provitamin A content, orange sweet potato, cultivation conditions

African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(25), pp. 3947-3951

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1684-5315
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