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The effect of spawn grains, culture media, oil types and rates on carpophore production of Lentinus squarrosulus (Mont.) Singer

P I Nwanze
A U Khan
J B Ameh
V J Umoh


Lentinus squarrosulus, an indigenous mushroom species commonly found growing on dead logs in the Zaria environ of Kaduna State was cultured on six different media which were inoculated separately with three different spawn grains and amended with six different oils at five different rates. The various media, oil type and rate all had a highly significant effect (p<0.01) on the stipe length, stipe and pileus diameters and carpophore wet and dry weights of L. squarrosulus. Spawn grains, however, had a significant effect on all the above parameters except pileus diameter. The results reveal that corn and millet spawn induced comparable carpophore wet weights which were superior to that induced by wheat spawn. Corn spawn induced the longest stipe length and heaviest carpophore dry weight while millet induced the widest stipe diameter. The oil rate of 0.014 ml/g induced the longest stipe length, heaviest carpophore wet weight and widest pileus diameter while the highest oil rate (0.028 ml/g) induced the widest stipe diameter and heaviest carpophore dry weight. Coconut oil induced superior results for all the parameters tested except stipe diameter. Animal bedding and rice media induced optimum results for all the parameters.

African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (6), pp. 472-477, 2005

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eISSN: 1684-5315
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