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A case report: Respiratory manifestations of covid-19 starting with a gastrointestinal complaint: A coincidence or a correlation?

Anna Surgean Veterini
Lucky Andriyanto
Hamzah Hamzah


Background: SARS COV-2 is the cause of the current outbreak of COVID-19. The infection of SARS COV-2 causes changes in the gutlung axis and the intestinal microbiota pro-inflammatory cytokines interaction which leads to the injury of the gastrointestinal tract. One of the symptoms of COVID-19 outside the respiratory system is a complaint in the GIT.
Materials and Methods: We present a COVID-19 case report that begins with a complaint of abdominal pain.
Results: There was no previous suspicion of COVID-19, but after a radiological examination and SARS-COV2 positive PCR result, the patient was proven to be suffering from COVID-19.
Conclusion: After hospitalization in the ICU for about 14 days, a recovery occurred and the patient was able to go home in a very good clinical condition.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2006-0165
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