Here is an alphabetical list of AJOL’s partner journals.

If you know which journal you need, simply navigate to the relevant letter and see the list of titles displayed.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  


Jarida la Chama cha Lugha na Fasihi ya Kiswahili Tanzania (CHALUFAKITA)

 Open Access

Jarida la Chama cha Lugha na Fasihi ya Kiswahili Tanzania (CHALUFAKITA)

Jarida la Chama cha Lugha na Fasihi ya Kiswahili Tanzania (CHALUFAKITA) linamilikiwa na chama hicho ambacho makao makuu yake ni Dodoma,Tanzania. Jarida la CHALUFAKITA lilianzishwa na kusajiliwa tarehe 18/01/2018. Hili ni jarida la kimataifa linalochapisha makala zake mara moja kwa mwaka. Jarida linapatikana katika nakala ngumu pamoja na nakala tepe/mkondoni. Jarida hili limesajiliwa pia na African Journals Online (AJOL). Lengo la Jarida ni kuendeleza na kudumisha lugha ya Kiswahili na utamaduni wa Waswahili. Pia, linalenga kuwajengea uwezo wanataaluma katika kufanya tafiti na kuandika makala mbalimbali zitakazochangia maarifa mapya katika nyuga mbalimbali za lugha ya Kiswahili. Kwa hiyo, tunakaribisha makala kutoka pande zote za dunia zinazohusu Isimu ya Kiswahili, fasihi ya Kiswahili na utamaduni wa Mswahili.
Chama cha Lugha na Fasihi ya Kiswahili Tanzania (CHALUFAKITA) Journal is owned by the stated association which is based in Tanzania; and its headquarter is in Dodoma region.  CHALUFAKITA is an international journal which publishes its articles once a year. The Journal can be accessed online and a hard copy is also available. The Journal has also been registered on African Journals Online (AJOL). The main objective of CHALUFAKITA Journal is to develop and promote Kiswahili language and the Swahili culture. The Journal provides an avenue to scholars to undertake research and publish diverse papers that will contribute to knowledge in various disciplines. Therefore, we invite scholars from all parts of the world to contribute scholarly papers which address Kiswahili language in all categories: linguistics, sociolinguistics, literature and culture.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Jarida la Mnyampala

 Open Access

Jarida la Mnyampala

The Jarida la Mnyampala (JM) is an academic journal published by the Department of Kiswahili at St. John’s University of Tanzania. JM is a registered Kiswahili journal with the following identifiers: ISSN 2683-6440 (print) and e-ISSN 2683-6432 (online). The journal specializes in publishing scholarly articles on Swahili literature, linguistics, and culture. We warmly invite authors, researchers, and Swahili enthusiasts to submit their articles for consideration. All submissions should be sent to the Chief Editor via the journal’s email at


Aims and Scope
The journal focuses on publishing articles on Swahili literature, linguistics, and culture. We also publish articles related to book reviews/book critics. The official language of the journal is Kiswahilli. To broaden the readership, the author may write their abstract in both English and Swahili.The journal focuses on publishing articles on Swahili literature, linguistics, and culture.

You can see this journal's website here.


JASSA: Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa

JASSA: Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa

The Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa (JASSA), aims to publish each issue six to ten original research papers. It is multi-disciplinary in approach specializing in publishing results of applied research considered important to the region.


Jos Journal of Medicine

 Open Access

Jos Journal of Medicine

Jos Journal of Medicine is a peer-reviewed journal and editorially independent publication of the Association of Resident Doctors of Jos University Teaching Hospital. It seeks to provide a forum for the dissemination of research, review articles and information in all aspects of medical sciences among medical professionals in AfricaOther journals associated with this journal:


Journal Africain d’Imagerie Médicale

 Open Access

Journal Africain d’Imagerie Médicale

The Journal Africain d'Imagerie Médicale (J Afr Imag Med) is the official journal of the SRANF (Société de Radiologie d'Afrique Noire Francophone) registered under number 1810-4959 at the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) since 2004 and recognized by CAMES. Its e-ISSN is 2790-9840.
This journal publishes articles in French or in English, with a paper and online distribution medium "Printed and online open journal"
The African Journal of Medical Imaging publishes in the fields of radiology, radiation protection and diagnostic and therapeutic medical imaging, original articles, review articles (reviews), case studies, letters to the editor, iconographic reviews , editorials, technical notes, "Quid", minutes of meetings of the SRANF and national medical imaging societies of French-speaking countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Its publications are quarterly.
Manuscripts are subject to peer review and compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the ICMJE's copyright and co-authorship criteria.
The request for a reprint or the printed / paper version is made to the editorial staff at the address: ;
Le Journal Africain d’Imagerie Médicale (J Afr Imag Méd) est le journal officiel de la SRANF (Société de Radiologie d’Afrique Noire Francophone) enregistré sous le numéro 1810-4959 à l’International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) depuis 2004 et reconnu par le CAMES. Son e-ISSN est en cours d’attribution.
Ce journal publie des articles en Français ou en Anglais, avec un support de diffusion en papier et en ligne «Printed and online open journal»
Le Journal Africain d’Imagerie Médicale publie dans les domaines de la radiologie, radioprotection et imagerie médicale diagnostique et thérapeutique, des articles originaux, les articles de revues (critiques), les études de cas, les lettres à l’éditeur, les revues iconographiques, les éditoriaux, les notes techniques, les « Quid », les comptes rendus des réunions de la SRANF et des sociétés nationales d’imagerie médicale des pays francophones d’Afrique sub-saharienne. Ses publications sont trimestrielles.

Les manuscrits sont soumis à l’examen des reviewers et au respect de la déclaration de Helsinki et aux critères de l'ICMJE relatifs au droit d’auteur et critères de co-signature des articles.
La demande de tiré à part ou de la version imprimé / papier se fait à la rédaction à l’adresse: ; ;
You can view this journal's website here.


Journal de la Faculté de Médecine d’Oran

 Open Access

Journal de la Faculté de Médecine d’Oran

The Journal of Oran Faculty of Medicine (JFMO) is addressed to all health actors in a multidisciplinary perspective (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dental Medicine, Basic Sciences, and Social Sciences). Its objectives are to introduce researchers to scientific writing in order to ensure better visibility of their research work. Its mission is to support research in the health sciences, to promote the sharing of knowledge between researchers and practitioners in the field, and to facilitate the exchange of practices between professionals.
The Journal of Oran Faculty of Medicine is half-yearly. It publishes scientific articles such as Editorials, Original Articles, Systematic Reviews, Updates, Clinical Cases, Methodological Notes and "Read for you". It also publishes letters in response to the Journal articles in the Correspondence Section.
Publications are in French or English. They must comply with the instructions below. These are derived from the manuscript submission standards, proposed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, known as the Vancouver Group (ICMJE) (
You can view this journal's website here


Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l’Université de Lomé

Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l’Université de Lomé

Le Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé doit être abrégé sous la forme: J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo). Les articles du Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé (Togo) sont abstractés et indexés dans la base de données AJOL.


Journal des Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur

Journal des Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur

Le Journal des Sciences de l'Ingénieur a pour objectif de diffuser les travaux les plus récents des chercheurs, en particulier basés en Afrique, en leur facilitant l'accès à une expertise de qualité et à un organe de large diffusion. Bien au-delà des disciplines Sciences pour l'Ingénieur (Mécanique, Electrique, Civil, Informatique, Chimique…), le journal est ouvert plus largement aux Sciences, de manière à faire écho aux caractères souvent interdisciplinaires des recherches actuelles.Other sites related to this journal:


Journal for Intellectual Property and Information Technology

 Open Access

Journal for Intellectual Property and Information Technology

The Journal of Intellectual Property and Information Technology (JIPIT) Law is an academic journal founded by the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law (CIPIT). CIPIT undertook this endeavour to offer and provide a platform for academic research on Intellectual Property and Technology Law in jurisdictions within the Global South.
Papers are subjected to double-blind review. They are first published online, after approval. Printed volumes are published annually.


Journal for Islamic Studies

Journal for Islamic Studies

The Journal for Islamic Studies is a peer-reviewed journal committed to the publication of original research on Islam as culture and civilization. It particularly welcomes work of an interdisciplinary nature that brings together history, religion, politics, culture and law. The Journal has a special focus on Islam in Africa, and on contemporary Islamic Thought. Contributions that display theoretical rigour, especially work that link the particularities of Islamic discourse to the enterprise of knowledge and critique in the humanities and social sciences, will find JIS to be receptive to such submissions.


Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal for Juridical Science

Journal for Juridical Science

The Journal for Juridical Science is an accredited national professional journal which publishes original research articles in law in Afrikaans and English. Multi and interdisciplinary contributions which bridge the gap between legal scholarship and other pertinent academic disciplines, are welcomed. The Journal for Juridical Science prefers articles which reflect basic legal research, but does not restrict itself to basic research. All published contributions are submitted for refereeing by peers and successful articles qualify for subsidy by the Department of National Education.Other websites related to this journal: information is available on the University of the Free State website


Journal for Language Teaching

 Open Access

Journal for Language Teaching

Journal for Language Teaching = Ijenali Yekufundzisa LulwimiTydskrif vir Taalonderrig
The South African Journal for Language Teaching focuses on the publication of research in the domains of language teaching and applied linguistics with a particular focus on course and syllabus design, language testing in educational settings, and literacy and language proficiency development.
The Journal is not restricted to English – articles in all official South African languages may be included. Although the focus is on language teaching and applied linguistics n South Africa, the Journal engages with international research and researchers. The Journal places a high value on both its international standing and on scientific research in applied linguistics. Colleagues and postgraduate students from South Africa and the African continent, as well as from the wider international scholarly community, are invited to contribute to any of the following research foci:
Empirical studies. The Journal gives preference to the publication of research with an empirical base (quantitative and/or qualitative studies, mixed methods research, case studies, action research, etc.). Descriptions of language classroom interventions or courses with no empirical component are not typically considered for publication in the journal.
Longitudinal studies and large scale studies on contemporary language dilemmas will receive special consideration.
Original research articles. The majority of articles are original research articles, but replication studies to validate previous findings are welcomed too.
Conceptual articles and meta-analyses are published from time to time.
State of the art reviews. The editor may invite specific authors on occasion to write “state of the art reviews” on relevant topics.
Special issues. The journal may include theme-based research. The Journal will consider featuring invited debates in special issues, for example with invited international contributors in dialogue with local scholars.
Festschrift of a specific colleague’s work is published occasionally.
Book reviews are welcomed, and the editorial board reserves the right either to request or to refuse to review such submissions.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal for the Study of Religion

 Open Access

Journal for the Study of Religion

Journal for the Study of Religion is published twice a year in March and September by the Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa as a forum for scholarly contributions of up to 6000 words on topics of contemporary significance in the academic study of religion, in the form of articles, responses to articles, review articles and shorter book reviews.


Journal of Academic Finance

 Open Access

Journal of Academic Finance

Journal of Academic Finance ( JoAF ) is a bilingual journal (French / English) which publishes free theoretical, empirical and/or critical texts focusing on one or more dimensions of finance in the world. It is dedicated to publishing high quality research papers in all areas of scientific research, finance, accounting, economics and social sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education

 Open Access

Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education

The Journal of Advocacy, Research, and Education is the official journal of the Centre for Behaviour and Wellness Advocacy, Ghana (formerly KAD International). As an open-access multidisciplinary journal, its scope covers several disciplines. The journal is published thrice annually (April, August, and December) and our Editorial Board encourages submissions that are of broad interest to people all over the world. 
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Advocacy, Research, and Education publishes original submissions (both empirical and theoretical), reviews, position papers and commentaries on multidisciplinary themes to address all areas of global interest.
Our scope covers a wide range of themes in education, social sciences, cultural studies, law, health sciences, arts, applied sciences, pure sciences, engineering, technology, business and other related disciplines.

You can view the journal's website here.


Journal of African Association of Physiological Sciences

 Open Access

Journal of African Association of Physiological Sciences

Journal of African Association of Physiological Sciences (J. Afr. Assoc. Physiol. Sci.) is an international, bi-annual official publication of African Association of Physiological Sciences. Both print and online forms are available. The journal is aimed at dissemination of information on diverse areas of research in Physiological Sciences disciplines and to showcase a representative cross-section of the kinds of research being carried out in Africa, in particular and globally. The journal was established in 2012 at the congress of African Association of Physiological Sciences held in Egypt. The journal will consider for publication, Full-length original research articles, short communications as well as review articles.
Other websites associated with this journal:
J. Afr. Assoc. Physiol. Sci. applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, under which authors agree to make articles legally available for reuse, without permission or fees, for virtually any purpose. Anyone may copy, distribute or reuse these articles, as long as the author and original source are properly acknowledged.


Journal of Agricultural Extension

 Open Access

Journal of Agricultural Extension

The mission of the Journal of Agricultural Extension is to publish conceptual papers and empirical research that tests, extends, or builds agricultural extension theory and contributes to the practice of extension worldwide.
Focus and Scope
The Journal of Agricultural Extension (JAE) is devoted to the advancement of knowledge of agricultural extension services and practice through the publication of original and empirically based research, focusing on; extension administration and supervision, programme planning, monitoring and evaluation, diffusion and adoption of innovations; extension communication models and strategies; extension research and methodological issues; nutrition extension; extension youth programme; women-in-agriculture; extension, marginalized and vulnerable groups, Climate Change and the environment, farm and produce security, ICT, innovation systems. JAE will normally not publish articles based on research covering very small geographic area (town community and local government areas/council/counties) that cannot feed into policy, except they present critical insights into new and emerging issues is agricultural extension and rural development.


Journal of Agricultural Research and Development

Journal of Agricultural Research and Development

The Journal of Agricultural Research and Development aims at publishing research reports, short communications, Critical Reviews in Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, Agronomy, Forestry, Animal Science, Food Technology, Soil Science, Home Economics, Agricultural Extension, Rural development, Environmental Biology and Agricultural Engineering


Journal of Agriculture and Environment

 Open Access

Journal of Agriculture and Environment

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment is a biannual, peer reviewed publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, Usmanu Danfodiyo, Sokoto, Nigeria.  The Journal welcomes articles from original research in the various branches of Agriculture and related fields, specifically in areas of:

  • Agriculture (Crop, Animal and Soil sciences)

. Agronomy and Crop Protection

  • Agricultural Economics, Extension and Policy

  • Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization   

  • Food Science and Technology

  • Biotechnology as related to Agriculture

  • Forestry, Fisheries and wildlife management

  • Rangeland management

  • Interaction of the above with the environment

Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

 Open Access

Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

The Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary, open access international Journal that aims to publish original research articles, review articles, short communications and case studies in areas of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. All papers are subjected to peer-review by members of the editorial board or qualified reviewers in double blind peer review system. The journal is published by Bahir Dar University of Ethiopia. 
This journal is also indexed on EJOL, and you can visit the journal's own website here.


Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences

 Open Access

Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences

The Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences JAFS is a platform for scientists dealing with agriculture, food science and related technological and socioeconomic issues with focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Articles on these areas are published after critical peer review. JAFS targets researchers and policy makers.


Journal of Agriculture and Social Research (JASR)

 Open Access

Journal of Agriculture and Social Research (JASR)

Journal of Agriculture and Social Research (JASR), a biannual journal, is an official publication of Agricultural Volunteers of Nigeria (AgVON). The journal considers articles from the following areas: Agriculture, Home Economics/Food science, forestry, wildlife and fisheries, environment and waste management, economics, urban and Regional planning, sociology and other relevant social and applied sciences.Other websites associtaed with this journal:


Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences

Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences

The Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences generally aims to foster progressive partnerships between different stake holders towards sustainable Agriculture.
Papers in Animal husbandry, Fisheries, wild life, crop and Soil Science, agricultural economics, Extension, Forestry, environment and papers with a Social Science tilt that are geared towards sustainable agriculture are acceptable for publication.


Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology

 Open Access

Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology

JAGST seeks to enhance the visibility of research carried out in, but not limited to Agriculture, Science, Technology and Humanities. The key goal of the journal is to publish new experimental, theoretical and innovative research across all areas within its scope. Research areas are categorized as:

  • Agriculture and Natural Resources

  • Engineering, Technology and built sciences

  • Social Sciences, Business and Enterprise development

  • Pure and Applied Sciences

  • Health and Veterinary Sciences

Articles of interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome.


Journal of Applied Biosciences

 Open Access

Journal of Applied Biosciences

The Journal of Applied Biosciences provides a forum for scholars and practitioners in all spheres of biological sciences to publish their research findings or theoretical concepts and ideas of a scientific nature.

Other websites related to this journal:


Journal of Applied Chemistry and Agricultural Research

Journal of Applied Chemistry and Agricultural Research

JACAR is a learned journal devoted to the publication of high quality articles in all areas of Agricultural Sciences and Applied Chemistry. Applied Chemistry manuscripts should be restricted to corrosion of materials, environmental chemistry and water quality (pollution studies), physico-chemical properties of naturally occurring products, colloid chemistry, nutritional chemistry and metallurgy. Articles must be original and written in English.


Journal of Applied Science and Technology

Journal of Applied Science and Technology

The Journal of Applied Science and Technology (JAST) seeks to promote and disseminate knowledge in the applied sciences, specifically addressing issues that relate to technological developments in the Tropics. The Journal of Applied Science and Technology (ISSN-0855-2215) is an International Journal published jointly by the International Centre for Materials Science and Technology (ICMST-Gh) and the Materials Research Society of Ghana (MRS-Gh), in collaboration with the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC), Council for Scientific and Industrial research (CSIR), Energy Research group of Ghana and Apimanim Akyempim Resources.  The Journal is refereed by experts in the various fields of Applied Science and TechnologyThe Journal of Applied Science and Technology (JAST) is among 512 African Journals Online, for which the Tables of Contents and Abstracts are published by AJOL,  The Journal participates in African Periodicals Exhibit (APEX) through African Journals Support and Develop-ment Centre (AJSDC) in Kenya, and is also affiliated to the International Network for Availability of Scientific Publications, INASP (UK) (, Association of Learned and Profess-ional Society Publishers (ALPSP) in UK and Professional/Scholarly Publishing (PSP) of Association of American Publishers Inc., USA.  The Contents are also hosted by EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, USA (


Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology

Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology

The Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology covers research activities and development in the field of Applied Sciences and Technology as it relates to Agricultural Engineering, Biotechnology, Computer Science and Engineering Computations, Civil Engineering, Food Science and Technology, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Energy, Geology, Industrial, Production & Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Physics and other related Applied Sciences and Engineering fields.


Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management

 Open Access

Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management

The Journal of Applied Sciences & Environmental Management (JASEM) is a Peer Reviewed, Open Access, International Journal established by the Joint Coordination Centre of the World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Programme (NARP) domicile in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria in April 1998. The World Bank project terminated in 2001, however, JASEM lives on and is currently managed by Prof. Michael Horsfall Jnr in the Department of Chemistry, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Nigeria.
Other websites related to this journal: and


Journal of Aquatic Sciences

Journal of Aquatic Sciences

The Journal of Aquatic Sciences publishes articles on problems and issues in Aquatic Sciences from all parts of the world. The journal accepts for publication manuscripts of very high international standard containing reports of original scientific research. Acceptable topics include aquatic biology, aquatic resources management, aquatic ecotoxicology and pollution, fish physiology, nutrition, health, breeding, population dynamics, fish processing and preservation.
Other websites related to this journal:


Journal of Banking

 Open Access

Journal of Banking

The Journal of Banking is a bi-annual research and policy-based publication of The Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN), the foremost professional banking Institute in Nigeria. The Journal of Banking is a publication focusing on topical issues in the core areas of banking and finance as well as other related disciplines with emphasis on implications for banking policy and the economy.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences

 Open Access

Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences

Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences (ISSN - 2278-960X, Online - 2320-2041) is a peer-reviewed journal published on behalf of the Society of Reproductive Biologists of Nigeria. The journal publishes articles relating to all aspects of Basic Medical Sciences of the Reproductive system of humans and Animals; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Laboratory Science, Medical Rehabilitation, Nursing, Medical Education, Social and Preventive medicine as it concerns the reproductive system. The Journal is published semiannually (in the months of January and July).AJOL is no longer updating this journal because it has been purchased by a Pulsus, a division of OMICS publishers group, with which AJOL does not work. Archival content of this title is being kept on AJOL as it is part of the scholarly record.


Journal of Biomedical Investigation

Journal of Biomedical Investigation

Journal of Biomedical Investigation seeks to promote interdisciplinary research across all Biomedical Sciences. It publishes articles reviews and short communications in the field of clinical laboratory and experimental medicine.


Journal of Building and Land Development

Journal of Building and Land Development

Papers are accepted in all fields of human settlements development and environmental management including:
Architecture and Urban Design, Building Construction, Economics and Management, Housing, Environmental Management and Protection, Local Government, Poverty and Community Action, Land Use Planning, , Urban Development and Management, Settlements Planning and Upgrading, Infrastructure Provision, Land Measurement and Geomatics, Property Valuation and Taxation, Resource Management, Training, Curriculum Development and Research.

Papers broadly corresponding to the themes and disciplines shown above are therefore welcomed.

Viewpoints, Research Notes, Conference Reports, Book Reviews and forthcoming events are also welcomed. Advertising is acceptable subject to the approval of the Editorial Board.


Journal of Building Materials and Structures

 Open Access

Journal of Building Materials and Structures

The Journal of Building Materials and Structures (JBMS) is a peer-reviewed online journal, currently published semi-annually. JBMS is a free access journal, and offers a meeting targeted for specialists around the world to publish and discuss all topics related to the building materials and structures.
JBMS topics include, but are not limited to, research on :
- Elaboration and characterization of building materials.
- Experimental techniques.
- Microstructural properties and structural engineering.
You can view this journal's website here.


Journal of Business and Administrative Studies

 Open Access

Journal of Business and Administrative Studies

JBAS’ purpose is to provide practitioners and scholars opportunities for research-based debate as well as discourse in the fields of Finance, Economics, Marketing, Public and Development Management, Governance and related fields and professions, particularly related to Ethiopia. 


JBAS is a bi-annual journal published by St Mary University.


Journal of Business Research

Journal of Business Research

The Journal of Business Research (JBR) is an International journal published by the Institute of Professional Studies in collaboration with relevant professional and academic institutions. The JBR is a bi - yearly refereed publication. The Journal of Business Researchseeks to promote and disseminate knowledge in the various disciplines of Management, Accounting, Marketing and other related disciplines which address issues of concern to business and commerce particularly in developing economies.  


Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health

The Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health aims to contribute towards the development of a robust and inclusive knowledge base for child and adolescent mental health across diverse contexts. To this end the Journal seeks to promote coverage, representation and dissemination of high quality work from around the world that traverses high-, middle- and low- income contexts.
Read more about the journal here


Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice

Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice

The Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice aims to publish original research papers of high standard, containing material of significant contribution to civil engineering, with emphasis being placed on material that is applicable to the solution of practical problems.


Journal of Civil Engineering, JKUAT

Journal of Civil Engineering, JKUAT

The Journal of Civil Engineering, JKUAT aims to publish definitive and original research papers of high standard, containing material of broad interest and of significant contribution to civil engineering, with emphasis being placed on material that is applicable to the solution of practical problems. It provides a forum for scholars to disseminate their research findings and development in the field of Civil Engineering, and seeks to enlighten other researchers and the public concerning on-going researches. Journal of Civil Engineering, JKUAT is an annual publication.

See the Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice (JCERP) on AJOL website


Journal of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care

 Open Access

Journal of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care

The Journal of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care (JCMPHC) is a multi disciplinary journal that provides a platform for sharing research findings, theories, reviews, and information on all aspects of public health, primary health care, and community medicine. The journal welcomes a variety of submissions, including original research reports, invited commentaries, critical and analytical reviews, case reports, reports of professional conferences, updates, and articles on continuing education. It covers diverse specialties and practice areas that make up community medicine, such as epidemiology, environmental health, public health nutrition, occupational health, medical sociology, rehabilitative medicine, primary health care, reproductive health, maternal and child health, health planning and management, health policy, and health care financing.
Other websites related to this journal:


Journal of Community Psychosocial Research

 Open Access

The Journal of Community Psychosocial Research (JCPR) is committed to publishing high-quality research to improve psychosocial health and well-being. We accept basic and applied research of the following types:
Qualitative research,
Quantitative research,
Mixed-method research,
Review studies,
Book reviews,
and Opinion papers.

At JCPR, we believe in the power of collaboration and the exchange of ideas. We aim to publish research that advances our understanding of psychosocial health and well-being and has real-world implications and applications.

Aims and Scope
The Journal of Community Psychosocial Research (JCPR) is an open-access online publication platform for researchers concerned with research, policy, and practice in improving psychosocial health and well-being. Our journal provides a platform for cutting-edge research in Community Psychosocial Research, and we welcome contributions from researchers, scholars, and scientists worldwide.

You can see this journal's website here.


Journal of Computational Science and Data Analytics

 Open Access

The journal is aimed to serve as an avenue of research findings in computational science and data analytics. With the rapid advancement of technology and data driven decision making, the study of computational science and data science has been the central focus of researchers in different application areas. Hence, applications, tool developments, theoretical contribution as well as review manuscripts are the focus of this journal.


Journal of Computer Science and Its Application

Journal of Computer Science and Its Application

The journal provides a multidisciplinary forum for the publication of original research and technical papers, short communications, state-of-art computing and review papers on advances, techniques, practice, and applications of Computer Science.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of Consumer Sciences

 Open Access

Journal of Consumer Sciences

The Journal of Consumer Sciences is an official publication of the South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences (SAAFECS).
The Journal of Consumer Sciences (JCS) publishes articles that focus on consumer experiences in different places and from different perspectives and methodological positions. The journal will consider research from within the fields of hospitality, consumer studies, consumer science, home economics, family studies, consumer education, consumer rights, and consumer behaviour.  We also consider household and/or individual food security to be a facet of food consumerism and hence those working in this field should consider publishing in this journal. The journal also welcomes current consumer-related research that examines the impact of environmental, community, and sustainability issues.


Journal of Cultural Studies

Journal of Cultural Studies

The Journal of Cultural Studies was established in 1999 as an independent tool for research development in Africa. It is published by the Nigerian Group for the Study of African Cultures (NIGSAC), a non-profit organisation which focuses on cultural and development issues in Africa. The journal aims to explore the varied socio-cultural experiences of the African peoples through various academic disciplines.


Journal of Development and Communication Studies

 Open Access

Journal of Development and Communication Studies

The Journal of Development and Communications Studies (JDCS), published online and in print by Development Media Consulting, is a biannual academic, peer reviewed journal, ISSN 2305-7432, dedicated to research exploring linkages between communication and human development. The core aim of the JDCS is to make available to development planners, students, civil society, politicians and the public, research recommendations for the benefit of social development in Malawi and Africa, foremost, and the world, second.JDCS welcomes contributions from all over the world. Malawian academics, researchers, and university students are especially encouraged to submit their original research (completed and ongoing alike) reports for publication.JDCS  believes in the words of Dr Nyengo Mkandawire of the University of Malawi who said, during his professorial inaugural lecture  on 17 March, 2014, that:“Ideally, [research findings] must be published locally [because] it has been shown that research published in local journals has the highest likelihood of changing practice.”Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of Dietitians Association of Nigeria

 Open Access

Journal of Dietitians Association of Nigeria

The Journal of Dietitians Association of Nigeria (JDAN) is the official Journal of the Dietitians Association of Nigeria, is a peer-reviewed publication and is published biannually, two volumes per year. The primary focus of the journal is the publication of basic and applied studies in dietetics, medical nutrition therapy, nutritional sciences, food sciences, diet related diseases and related fields. The following types of manuscripts are considered: original research articles, review articles, issues and opinions, special communications, letters to the Editor, book reviews, and proceedings of symposia. The journal is intended for a wide audience, including, dietitians, nutritionists, biochemists, health professionals, home economists, policy makers, students of dietetics/nutrition and related fields, health educators, and all those in the health sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of East African Natural History

Journal of East African Natural History

The Journal of East African Natural History is published jointly by the East Africa Natural History Society and the National Museums of Kenya. The Journal publishes papers and notes in the field of natural history, broadly defined as the study of organisms in their natural state, relevant to the eastern African region. Of particular interest are contributions that add to our knowledge of the status and conservation of biological diversity in the region. Since the biological landscape is to a large extent shaped by man, papers on ethnobiology will also be considered. Contributions can be substantial articles, short notes and book reviews.
More info on the journal can be found here:
Other websites related to this journal:


Journal of Educational Foundations

Journal of Educational Foundations

The Journal of Educational Foundations (JEF) publishes papers from all fields in education. The Editorial Board accepts original, scholarly articles on significant educational issues in Nigeria and Africa. Both empirical and theoretical papers are accepted, although empirical papers are strongly preferred. Papers should concentrate on providing practical suggestions to improve the quality of education across Nigeria and Africa in general.


Journal of Emerging Technologies

 Open Access

Journal of Emerging Technologies (JET) is an international interdisciplinary journal on computing trending topics and issues in the field of information and communications technology (ICT), information systems (IS), information technology (IT), computer science (CS), software engineering (SE), information systems management (ISM), and other related disciplines with the vision and mission to promote quality and current technological research worldwide.

Aims and Scope
As an open-access international peer-reviewed journal, JET focus to support academic and non-academic researchers, practitioners, and research institutes to reach their potential and have access to open-access computing scientific materials. Every research paper (manuscript) received by JET is editorially screened, checked for plagiarism, and peer-reviewed through a double-blind review process promptly. We pride ourselves on quality, rigor, and original work. JET only accepts original and unpublished papers (manuscripts) with the scope on Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Information Systems (IS), Computer Science (CS), and Information Technology (IT) topics such as: Social media, e-health, IT governance, Industry 5.0, e-Government, Smart City, Cybersecurity, Society 5.0, Big data and privacy, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial intelligence (AI), Digital marketing, Digital transformation, Machine learning, Block-chain technology, Argument reality, Internet marketing, e-commerce, Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), Environmental technology (Green technology) and many more.

You can see this journal's website here.


Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa

 Open Access

Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa

The Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa (JEMDSA) is published by the South African Medical Association and publishes papers related to endocrinology, metabolism and diabetes.
Other websites related to this journal:


Journal of Environmental Extension

Journal of Environmental Extension

Journal of Environmental Extension is to be published annually to generate ideas on formulation, packaging, dissemination and consequential impacts of ideas/policies relating to the quality and sustainability of the environment.


Journal of Equity in Sciences and Sustainable Development

 Open Access

Journal of Equity in Sciences and Sustainable Development

Journal of Equity in Sciences and Sustainable Development (JESSD) is a multidisciplinary international journal for all those concerned with equity in sciences and sustainable development. The journal's contents reveal its integrative approach including original research articles, discussion of research notes, short communications, and critical book/article reviews. Manuscripts to be submitted in the journal are critically relevant to the advancement of theories, increasing or extension of body of knowledge/literature as well as brings practical implication. The decision for the submission including accepting, rejecting, or revision is the results of anonymous reviews by at least two referees preferred by the editors. 
Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of Ethiopian Medical Practice

Journal of Ethiopian Medical Practice

A biannual scientific journal published by the Ethiopian Society of General Medical Practice


Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy

 Open Access

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy

The Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy accepts for publication manuscripts of high standard containing reports of original scientific research in the morphology, mechanical functioning and development of man and animals. The scope the journal embraces articles of human and comparative anatomy, embryology, histology, histochemistry, neurology and functional aspects of eh anatomical sciences. As a publication with background on pure and applied research, the journal recognizes the importance of descriptive studies in the morphological aspects of molecular, cellular, systems and evolutionary biology. Clinical updates and case reports relating to consequences of disruption of cells, tissues or organ architecture will be published.
The journal website can be found here:


Journal of Food Stability

 Open Access

Journal of Food Stability

The Journal of Food Stability publishes high quality original research articles and short research cutting-edge scientific advances as well as review articles in the field of Food Science and Technology, Nutrition and Agriculture. All papers should focus on the novelty of the research carried out.
Published by FTD Resources Publisher.
Aims and Scope
- Agriculture (Feed Formulation, Crop Production, Animal Production, Agriculture and health,
- Post-harvest utilization of plants, animals, fish and derived products as human food, animal feed, or for industrial applications)
- Food, Nutrition and Health
- Food Technology
- Food Microbiology
- Food Processing
- Food Composition
- Food Materials and Food Engineering
- Food Chemistry
- Food Safety and Quality
- Food Formulation
- Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals and Supplements
- Food Preservation
- Food Security
- Sensory and Consumer Sciences
- Antioxidants and Phytochemicals in Foods and Health
The journal publishes in French and English. You can view the journal's website here.


Journal of Food Technology in Africa

 Open Access

Journal of Food Technology in Africa

AJOL believes this journal has ceased publication.The Journal of Food Technology in Africa is Published Quarterly. It is intended for publication of papers on original work and reviews of all aspects of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition. Articles should be basic research that impinge on major areas of concern and relevance to the Food Industry in the African Continent.Other websites related to this journal:


Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences

 Open Access

Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences

Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences is an international journal reporting significant new results in all aspects of fundamental and applied sciences research. We welcome experimental, computational (including simulation and modelling) and theoretical studies of fundamental and applied sciences. The work must fall into one of the four sections of the journal. If the work overlaps two or more journal sections then it can be submitted as an interdisciplinary fundamental or applied sciences paper. 
You can view this journal's website here


Journal of Geographical Association of Tanzania

 Open Access

Journal of Geographical Association of Tanzania

The Journal of Geographical Association of Tanzania (JGAT) is an international journal of Geography which encourages peer review process. Its main emphasis is on theoretic and methodological debates in balance with recent empirical geographical and related social science research. Particular value is set on high-quality research works that apply theories and scientific models in explaining contextual realities.

Aims and Scope
The JGAT serves as a platform for knowledge sharing across the globe. It seeks to make contributions to geographical research and related fields in a manner that promotes and encourages high quality outputs that may potentially respond to policy gaps, development quest and informed decisions at local, regional and international spaces. Manuscripts that addresses human geography, natural resource conservation-/management, climate change, land use studies, environmental studies, management of water resources, ecological research, urban studies, sustainable development in relation to geographical aspects, and the use of Geospatial tools are encouraged.

You can see this journal's website here.


Journal of Health and Visual Sciences

Journal of Health and Visual Sciences

This journal deals with aspects of optometry and visual sciences.


Journal of Health, Applied Sciences and Management

 Open Access

Journal of Health, Applied Sciences and Management

JOHASAM is a multidisciplinary journal that provides a platform for researchers, academics, health professionals and management experts to share universal knowledge on Community Health, Environmental Health, Laboratory Science, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Anatomy, Health Education, Medical Social Work, Sociology, Psychology, Entrepreneurship, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Health Information Management.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of History and Diplomatic Studies

Journal of History and Diplomatic Studies

The Journal of History and Diplomatic Studies journal includes papers that focus specifically on developments in Africa and/or the continent’s relations with the outside world. All articles must, however, make fresh and original contribution to knowledge and the journal will consider well-researched articles on any aspects of History and Diplomatic/International studies.


Journal of Humanities

 Open Access

Journal of Humanities

The Journal of Humanities (JH) is a multi-disciplinary, double-blind peer-reviewed journal aiming to develop new knowledge by challenging current themes, theories, methodologies, and practices in the human sciences. The journal publishes original research articles, theoretical articles, philosophical reflections, review articles, scholarly opinions, and empirical research on a wide range of issues such as humans and their interaction with the environment, cultural identities, religions, higher education, gender, performative arts, media and communications, globalisation, politics, and development and any inter-disciplinary studies within the humanities and the social sciences.
JH is a bi-annual publication and is hosted by the University of Malawi.  The editorial board welcomes original contributions in the form of original articles, reviews, standpoints, and letters to editors from scholars within the humanities that align with the journal's aims. JH is dedicated to publishing original and high-quality research papers in human sciences in Africa. Although the journal is interested in the humanities, priority is given to articles that focus on studies in Southern, Central and Eastern Africa.
Manuscripts submitted to the journal go through a rigorous peer review system. The editor in chief provides the first editorial screening. The manuscript is then reviewed by subject specialists in the editorial board and reviewers who are experts in their fields of specialisation. JH has a pluralistic and non-partisan approach and will not accept manuscripts that aim to promote hate or discrimination against others based on religion, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, class, disability, to mention a few. The editors are committed to upholding professional editorial principles and standards. JH welcomes manuscripts with a country or regional focus but must be written for an international audience. JH also publishes special issues and conference proceedings.


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

 Open Access

The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHSS) is an interdisciplinary international journal devoted to the study of matters related to the various disciplines in Humanities and Social Sciences. The main aim of the journal is to gather and disseminate under a single cover a wide variety of research and discussion of fundamental concerns to all those scholars who have an interest in humanities and social sciences.

Aims and Scope

The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHSS) at the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (University of Dar es Salaam) is an interdisciplinary referred journal that disseminates original research works, scientific review works, and proposals for methodological shifts in these fields: anthropology, development studies, economics, fine arts, gender studies, general linguistics, geography, history, language studies, language in education, literary studies, performing arts, philosophy, political science, public administration, and sociology. The journal seeks to publish high-quality creations and innovations of the theoretical frameworks in the disciplines mentioned. 

You can see this journal's website here.


Journal of Internal Displacement

 Open Access

Journal of Internal Displacement

The JID aims to raise the profile of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) by creating a platform whereby leading scholars, representative of this group, and others, can disseminate and exchange ideas on contemporary issues as well as mentor young scholars in the field. The JID is an inter-disciplinary platform for discussions, critical dialogue, emerging themes, reflections and explorations on a wide range of topics and regions related to displaced populations around the globe.
You can view the journal's website here.


Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health

 Open Access

Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health

JIEPH's vision is to be a veritable platform which provides culturally and technically specific evidence that drives public health and field epidemiology practice and policy.
To build capacity for public health evidence generation and context specific dissemination from Africa to the rest of the world.
JIEPH publishes original scientific papers, reviews, and short reports in all areas of public health with a particular interest in interventional field epidemiology.
JIEPH welcomes review articles and meta-analyses, novel hypotheses and approaches in addition to discussion of research theory, public health policy and practice.
JIEPH also publishes supplements on public health related issues and events.
We give special consideration to papers from Field Epidemiology Training Programs (FETPs) and Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programs (FELTPs) as well as other applied public health training programs in Africa and other parts of the world. We also accept work done by Ministries of Health, Agriculture, Environment, Water and Sanitation, universities, health services institutes, laboratories and other national and international partners like UN agencies and regional health organizations, local and international NGOs and individual researchers in relevant subject areas.
JIEPH targets interventional epidemiology and public health practitioners, policy makers, researchers, FETP and FELTP fellows/residents, laboratory scientists, environmental scientists and other One Health related professions (veterinary and clinical practitioners) in addition to individuals who are involved in the management and delivery of public health services and systems in Africa and beyond.
Other websites associated with this website:


Journal of Issues and Practice in Education

 Open Access

The Journal of Issues and Practice in Education (JIPE) is a refereed journal produced by the Open University of Tanzania, Faculty of Education. It is published twice a year, in June and December. The journal is designed to inform both academics and the public on issues and practices related to the field of education. The journal provides academics with a forum to share experiences and knowledge. It also informs the public about issues pertinent to their day-to-day educational experiences.

Aims and Scope
The Journal of Issues and Practice in Education (JIPE) is a property of the Open University of Tanzania and is operated by the Faculty of Education. It is a peer-reviewed journal that provides an international forum for the sharing, dissemination, and discussion of educational issues. It publishes articles based on empirical research and reviews. The journal welcomes contributions from a wide range of areas of education. The focus areas include educational policy, special education, adult education, educational leadership and administration, childhood education, educational psychology, educational philosophy, education technology, counselling in education, teacher education, etc. The contribution can focus on teaching, development, instruction, innovations, learning methodologies, and new technologies in education and learning. Original research articles: We receive research articles that substantially contribute to research practice or policy in any educational research area. Research articles are contributions that publish original, unpublished research. They should be between 3000 and 8000 words, excluding tables, Figures, and references. The original research article should follow the conventional structure: introduction, methodology, results/findings, and discussion. However, JIPE allows some flexibility. Book Reviews: The Journal of Issues and Practice in Education (JIPE) invites original and insightful book reviews that comprehensively survey one or several books. Book reviews should include detailed synopses and evaluations of the books and give an account of the books’ aims, strengths, and limitations. As appropriate, the review should critically evaluate the books' contributions to the field of education. Book reviews should be about 1000-2000 words.

You can view this journal's website here.


Journal of Kenya Assocation of Physicians

 Open Access

Journal of Kenya Assocation of Physicians

The Journal of Kenya Association of Physicians (JOKAP) is published biannually by Kenya Association of Physicians (KAP). The journal publishes original research papers, reviews, case reports, short communications and any other relevant studies on general medicine.
You can see the journal's own website here.


Journal of Kiswahili and Other African Languages

 Open Access

Journal of Kiswahili and Other African Languages

The Journal of Kiswahili and Other African Languages is a high quality open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serve the society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation and research work. Journal of Kiswahili and Other African Languages welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews and conceptual framework from researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students from all over the world. Journal of Kiswahili and Other African Languages engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.
You can view this journal's website here.


Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa

 Open Access

Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa

The journal is cross-disciplinary and therefore it publishes articles from a wide-range of topics including language, technology, entrepreneurship, finance and communication. It is meant to promote dialogue across disciplines by emphasizing the interconnectedness of knowledge. It is ideal for scholars eager to venture into other disciplinary horizons.


Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in Africa

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in Africa

The Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in Africa (JLISA)/Revue de Bibliotheconomie et Science de l'information en Afrique is expected to explore the range of issues and problems of concern to librarians, information scientists and other information professionals especially in Africa and aims to publish articles, short communication and conference reports.


Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education

 Open Access

Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education

The Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education (JLLE) is an academic journal published by the Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics of the University of Dar es Salaam. The journal aims to involve scholars from both inside and outside Tanzania. It provides a platform for different theoretical and thematic approaches to all aspects of linguistics, language teaching, language in education and discourse analysis. Articles may be written either in English, Kiswahili, French or Chinese.
The journal aims to serve theoretical and applied linguists, language experts in education and (critical) discourse analysts.


Journal of Linguistics, Literary and Communication Studies

 Open Access

Journal of Linguistics, Literary and Communication Studies

The Journal of Linguistics, Literary and Communication Studies is a high-quality open-access, peer-reviewed, and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serving society in the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, innovation, and research work. The journal welcomes and acknowledges high-quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, and conceptual frameworks in the fields of Linguistics, Literature, and Communication Studies. Journal of Linguistics, Literary and Communication Studies engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.

You can view the journal's own website here.


Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences

 Open Access

Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences

The Journal of Medical and Biomedical Science publishes original, novel, peer-reviewed reports that pertain to medical and allied health sciences; confirmatory reports of previously described phenomena that either contain a novel finding or are of such magnitude to enhance the field; as well as laboratory or basic science investigational studies that are meritorious.
Other websites related to this journal : 


Journal of Medical Investigation and Practice

Journal of Medical Investigation and Practice

The Journal of Medical Investigation and Practice (JOMIP) is a quarterly peer-reviewed international journal published by the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Abia State University. The journal's full text is available online at The journal allows free access to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI complaint institutional/ subject-based repository. The journal makes a token charge for submission, processing and publication of manuscripts including colour reproduction of photographs.


Journal of Medical Laboratory Science

Journal of Medical Laboratory Science

The Journal of Medical Laboratory Science is a Quarterly Publication of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria. It Publishes Original Research and Review Articles in All Fields of Biomedical Sciences and Laboratory Medicine, Covering Medical Microbiology, Medical Parasitology, Clinical Chemistry, Haematology, Blood Group Serology, Cytogenetics, Exfoliation Cytology, Medical Virology, Medical Mycology, Histopathology and Immunochemistry. There is Special Interest in New Biologicals, Laboratory Diagnostic Reagents, Fabricated Laboratory Hardware and Advances that Have Reached an Acceptable Degree of Completion in Biochemical and Pathophysiological Mechanisms May also be Considered for Publication in the JMLS. 


Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research

 Open Access

Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research

The Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research is published by the College of Medical Sciences, University of Benin to encourage research into primary health care. The journal will publish original research articles, reviews, editorials, commentaries, case reports and letters to the editor. Articles are welcome in all branches of medicine and dentistry including basic sciences (anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, psychology, etc) and clinical sciences (internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, dental surgery, child health, laboratory sciences, radiology, community medicine, etc). Articles are also welcome from social science researchers that document the intermediating and background social factors influencing health in developing countries.
Other websites related to this journal:


Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences


Journal of Medicine in Africa

 Open Access

Journal of Medicine in Africa

The Journal of Medicine in Africa (JOMA) is a biannual publication of the Association of Resident Doctors, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. It was born out of the desire to give doctors, the medical community and allied health professionals a platform to showcase their abilities in research and medical reporting to the outside world. This platform is expected to improve the practice and delivery of health care services to individuals and the community at large.
The Association of Resident Doctors, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, is made up of medical practitioners undergoing specialist training in the various fiends of medicine (Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Family Medicine, Dentistry, Radiology, Laboratory medical specialties, etc). The members of this prestigious association are known for academic excellence as they strive daily to improve on their medical practice, skills and care of patients both locally and globally. The Journal of Medicine in Africa (JOMA), therefore provides an enabling platform to showcase their scholarly work and also enhance, appropriate, practical and effective health care delivery.
This biannual Journal, welcomes articles and reports from the entire world (medical and allied health communities). Every article or case report published in JOMA, goes through rigorous editorial scrutiny by both the editorial board and board of review members. Journal of Medicine in Africa is also committed to speedy publication of submitted manuscript without compromising the standard of the rigorous peer review process as outlined in the authors’ guidelines

You can view this journal's own website here.


Journal of Medicine in the Tropics

Journal of Medicine in the Tropics

The Journal of Medicine in the Tropics is primarily a medium for the publication of research in the areas of medicine and related sciences. Specifically, the journal is interested in environmental and disease epidemiology, basic sciences as well as inter-disciplinary studies that enhance and improve the health status of man in the tropics.


Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science

 Open Access

Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science

The Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science publishes rigorous theoretical reasoning and advanced empirical research in all areas of Meteorology and Climate Sciences. We welcome articles or proposals from all perspectives and on all subjects pertaining to Meteorology, Agriculture, Humanity, Physics, Geography, Oceanography and Marine science, GIS, Geophysics, Environmental Sciences, Urban and Regional Planning and Architecture.


Journal of Mining and Geology

Journal of Mining and Geology

Journal of Mining and Geology is the scientific publication of the Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society. Its scope covers the fields of the geosciences, mining, metallurgy, materials science and geoenvironmental studies.


Journal of Modeling, Design and Management of Engineering Systems

Journal of Modeling, Design and Management of Engineering Systems

The Journal of Modeling, Design & Management of Engineering Systems publishes original research reports, short communications, and critical reviews in any branch of engineering and allied fields such as applied mathematics, applied physics, applied chemistry and management sciences. It has special focus on the application of physical or mathematical modeling, computing, simulation, design and/or operations research tools for solving engineering problems.


Journal of North African Economies

 Open Access

Journal of North African Economies

The Journal of North African Economies  A specialized scientific journal, published by Hassiba Ben Bouali University of Chlef is founded  since 2004, JNAE  aims to become  an international economic journal  more typically by a continually  concern to develop it  and by the contribution of  researchers and professors  .JNAE is a scholarly journal which seeks to publish articles and researches in economic topics that occupy the economic thought and its  developments, especially in Algeria and other African countries  and the rest of world. Also, JENA publishes researches interest the  Arabic  and international economies. It  is an  open  access to publish  research of professors and researchers from inside Algeria and abroad in Arabic, French and English language.

You can view this journal's own website here.


Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Eastern and Central Africa

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Eastern and Central Africa

The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Eastern and Central Africa (JOGECA) is a peer reviewed quarterly journal published by Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society (KOGS). It publishes: original work in all aspects related to obstetrics and gynaecology, reviews related to obstetrics and gynaecology and case reports related to obstetrics and gynaecology.Otherwebsites associated with this journal:


Journal of Paediatric Dental Research and Practice

 Open Access

Journal of Paediatric Dental Research and Practice

The Journal of Paediatric Dental Research and Practice is published by the Nigerian Association of Paediatric Dentistry (NAPD). The journal specializes in highlighting oral health problems of children and adolescents. It provides a forum for many disciplines, including the biomedical sciences, social sciences, and humanities, to publish research-based evidence related to children's health. It is a platform for disseminating and exchanging knowledge among researchers, policymakers and clinicians providing oral health care for children.
You can view this journal's website here.


Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences

The Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences (JOPHAS) publishes original scientific and technical research works carried out on drugs and drug-related products, within and outside Nigeria in the fields of pharmacy, microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmacology, medical sciences and veterinary medicine. The journal aims at serving professionals in these aforementioned areas. Readership scope covers the entire globe, as the journal is made available to scientists all over the world.This journal has been assigned impact factors of 0.312 for 2012 and 0.378 for 2013 as per Global Impact Factors (


Journal of Pharmacy & Bioresources

 Open Access

Journal of Pharmacy & Bioresources

The Journal of Pharmacy and Bioresources (JPB) publishes scientific work in all areas of Pharmaceutical and life sciences, including (but not restricted to): medicinal plant research; herbal medicines and cosmetics; development of drugs and pharmaceuticals; quality assurance of drugs; safety and efficacy of drugs; pharmacy practice; veterinary pharmacy; bioresources development and conservation.


Journal of Philosophy and Culture

 Open Access

Journal of Philosophy and Culture

The Journal of Philosophy and Culture is devoted to the promotion of scholarship in philosophy, culture and allied disciplines. 


Journal of Phytomedicine and Therapeutics

 Open Access

Journal of Phytomedicine and Therapeutics

JOPAT is a peer reviewed journal published by National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development. It covers all areas of subject as: Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology, Immunology, Virology, Bacteriology, Pharmacology, Botany, Chemistry of medicinal plants and Pharmacognosy.
Authors can submit their manuscripts as an e-mail attachment to:;


Journal of Policy and Development Studies

 Open Access

Journal of Policy and Development Studies

Journal of Policy and Development Studies (JPDS) is published four times a year by the Office of Centre for Social Science Research, Enugu, Nigeria with the collaboration of Arabian Group of Journals and Zainab Arabian Research Society for Multidisciplinary Issues Dubai, United Arab Emirate.
JPDS aims to publish the best research on international development issues in a form that is accessible to practitioners and policy-makers as well as to an academic audience. JPDS is an international journal that effectively bridges the gap between academics, policy makers, and practitioners and links the various economic development communities. The journal focuses on contemporary research publication philosophies including blind strict peer refereeing, timely review, regular publication and broader coverage of the field. The editorial board is represented by the world's reputed and experienced academicians and researchers. The journal is completely open access which has opened the doors for the millions of international readers and academicians to keep in touch with the latest research findings in the field of economics and development studies.
You can view the journal's website here.


Journal of Policy and Leadership

 Open Access

The JPL aims to provide academicians, consultants, practitioners, professionals, and other stakeholders with a scholarly forum for exchanging knowledge and experience in public policy, governance, and leadership, a significant avenue for disseminating scholarly works. The objective is to fill the vacuum of relevant information in African countries. The journal receives contributions from authors worldwide.

Aims and Scope
The JPL aims to provide academicians, consultants, practitioners, professionals, and other stakeholders with a scholarly forum for exchanging knowledge and experience in public policy, governance, and leadership, a significant avenue for disseminating scholarly works. The objective is to fill the vacuum of relevant information in African countries and beyond. The journal receives contributions from authors worldwide.

You can view the journal's own website here.


Journal of Psychology in Africa

Journal of Psychology in Africa

Findings from psychological research in Africa and related regions needs a forum for better dissemination and utilisation in the context of development. Special emphasis is placed on the consideration of African, African-American, Asian, Caribbean, and Hispanic-Latino realities and problems. Contributions should attempt a synthesis of emic and etic methodologies and applications. The Journal of Psychology in Africa includes original articles, review articles, book reviews, commentaries, special issues, case analyses, reports and announcements.Publisher Details Please note: This journal is no longer published within Africa, which, according to AJOL's policies, does not allow us to host the subsequent issues of this journal published after 2005. Please contact the new publisher - Taylor & Francis Group (UK) for further information:


Journal of Radiography and Radiation Sciences

 Open Access

Journal of Radiography and Radiation Sciences

The journal publishes articles specific but not limited to Diagnostic and therapeutic radiography, which includes medical imaging modalities like Computed Tomography, Diagnostic sonography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Nuclear medicine, radiotherapy and oncology, radiography education, radiation protection, radiological health management.
The journal is targeted to radiographers, radiologists, sonographers, and other medical staff in the health sciences whose job involves the use of radiation.


Journal of Research and Academic Writing

 Open Access

Journal of Research and Academic Writing

The Journal of Research and Academic Writing publishes articles in the following key areas: Research application, Research spaces, Research Education, Research Methodology, Research methods, Research experiences, Research Philosophy, Research on research, Research and Artificial Intelligence (AI), History of research; and Research and Politics. It also documents the teaching, researching, developing, and implementing academic writing styles.

Aims and ScopeThe Journal of Research and Academic Writing is a peer-reviewed Journal relevant to all scholars in all disciplines, including graduate and post-graduate students. The journal covers the following key areas: Research application, Research spaces, Research Education, Research Methodology, Research methods, Research experiences, Research Philosophy, Research on research, Research and Artificial Intelligence (AI), History of research; and Research and Politics. It also documents the teaching, researching, developing, and implementing academic writing styles.

You can see this journal's website here.


Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment

 Open Access

Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment

The Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment lays emphasis on result of empirical research and conceptual issues in different aspects of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Management, Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences, Pure and Applied Environmental Sciences; Engineering, Geography, Geology, Applied Economics and Biological Sciences.


Journal of Research in National Development

Journal of Research in National Development

The Journal of Research in National Development aims to encourage interdisciplinary research, joint authorships and the recognition of the interface among disciplines. Favorite articles are quantitative, empirical and developmentally biased. It aims to serve all with interest in the development of developing countries, especially social scientists. Abstracts are available at Full text of vol 5 (2) 2007 & vol 6 (1) 2008 is available open access at


Journal of Science and Inclusive Development

 Open Access

Journal of Science and Inclusive Development

The journal's aim is to be one of the reputable and impactful journals of our globe, capable of communicating the research findings that can influence policy making and contribute to solving the community's problems. The journal publishes original, peer-reviewed articles and reviews of all multidisciplinary thematic areas such as social sciences and humanities, human health and medicine, agriculture and rural development, natural sciences, computational sciences and technology. The articles that will be submitted to this journal shall be clustered as follows:-

a. Social sciences and humanities cluster will include articles addressing issues like language, history, law, education, society, culture, business, economics, tourism, climate and other related behavioral and social issues.

b. Human health and medicine cluster will include articles addressing any issue related to human health and medicine.

c. Agriculture and rural development cluster will include articles addressing issues related to agricultural productivity, rural livelihood, animal production and health and other related issues.

d. Natural sciences cluster will include articles addressing issues related to biology, chemistry, physics, and other natural science fields.

e. Computational sciences and technology cluster will include articles addressing issues related to computation, engineering, and ICT and other technological innovations and discoveries.
You can view this journal's website here.


Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons

 Open Access

Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons

The Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons is an academic journal that publishes original articles in a wide range of fields, including the field of human, social and cultural studies, serving the scientific heritage, as well as encouraging academic studies, comparative studies and working to achieve human and social dialogue, and encouraging research in the fields of science other. The Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons is a peer-reviewed, double-blind journal open to all authors, regardless of their methodology or intellectual background. The Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons has been granted national accreditation from the Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRST)

Aims and Scope
The Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons focuses on how to obtain research results through human studies and works to encourage research in them. Only enduring, cross-disciplinary humanities studies that can be generalized across different fields achieve results. The journal welcomes research papers related to the fields of humanities that improve the quality of research or that can be used to develop this field. The journal's articles explore changes in research that encourage the humanities to promote best practices within society. The journal provides an outlet for high-quality, double-blind, peer-reviewed studies. By doing so, the journal ensures that these studies reach a global audience of scholars and researchers who recognize the importance of research in this field as drivers that base their decisions on new ideas and results in this field. The journal was created under the auspices of the University of Laghouat, affiliated with the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research. The journal publishes its content in the form of theoretical articles and multiple studies that use different methods, some practice-oriented, some teaching-oriented, and case studies of current trends in the humanities and social sciences. The journal publishes cutting-edge research on topics in the humanities and appeals to a wide range of readers. The editors welcome topic suggestions for special issues. Journal articles should explain contextual differences and highlight lessons learned for a wider audience. In short, it is an interdisciplinary journal in the field of humanities dedicated to developing research and theoretical and practical knowledge in several fields. JSKP is a peer-reviewed, double-blind journal open to all authors, regardless of their methodology and/or theoretical background. JSKP is published twice a year in June and December. Manuscripts are published mainly in Arabic, English, or French. The rationale for this journal is to provide a platform for scholars to publish their original research, review articles, and other scholarly work related to a specific field or topic. The journal aims to advance knowledge and understanding of the area by disseminating high-quality research findings and promoting academic discourse and collaboration. The journal will likely interest scholars internationally because it provides a forum for academics from different regions and backgrounds to exchange ideas and share their research findings. By publishing in this journal, scholars can reach a global audience and engage with other researchers who may have different perspectives and approaches. This can lead to new insights and collaborations that benefit the field and advance academic scholarship. Additionally, the journal may attract submissions from scholars who are interested in the specific topic or area of research that it covers, further contributing to its international appeal.
You can see this journal's website here.


Journal of Science and Sustainable Development

 Open Access

Journal of Science and Sustainable Development

Annually, Uganda Martyrs University‘s School of Postgraduate Studies and Research produces the Journal of Science and Sustainable Development (JSSD) (ISSN: 2070-1748). The goal of the Journal is to provide a visible outlet for definitive articles that discuss the concept of development from an interdisciplinary viewpoint. Therefore, contributions to the Journal typically link theory to practice whilst spanning over traditional disciplinary boundaries and giving due attention to the role of sustainability in development as well as the dilemmas that characterize some development endeavours, especially in the third world. The Journal gives special preference to conceptual and empirical writing that is relevant to Africa‘s peculiar development needs whilst integrating pertinent international developments, debates and challenges, because it acknowledges that the questions, issues, theories and policies pertaining to development require in-depth study, analysis and discussion. Therefore, the Journal provides an outlet for examining these questions, issues, theories, and policies in a rigorous and scholarly manner. Accordingly, papers are invited from a wide range of disciplines that reflect different research, theoretical and application perspectives concerning the development of the third world and mankind as a whole. The Journal‘s editorial policy prefers submissions that synthesize the significance of different disciplinary traditions and geographical experiences in explaining the phenomenon at hand. In addition to rigorous examination of the ‗local dimension‘ of the issues that they expound, therefore, contributions mirror conversance with relevant international perspectives and experiences, thereby situating the debate in a broad discourse that facilitates holistic understanding of the issues at hand. Edited from Uganda Martyrs University, Uganda, the Journal draws on the expertise of a diverse editorial board, as well as a wide range of reviewers in and outside Africa. The Journal is committed to the publication of both experienced and early career researchers so its editorial policy puts overriding attention on helping contributors to reach the level of quality that is deemed fit for publication through ensuring relevant, fair and penetrating reviews as well as timely relay of feedback to contributors.


Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana)

 Open Access

Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana)

The Journal of Science and Technology (JUST) aims principally at publishing articles resulting from original research whether pure or applied in the various aspects of academic endeavour broadly classified as Science (Physical, Biological and Chemical), Humanities and Technology. It aims at serving the academic community. Manuscripts submitted for publication in JUST should be between 1,500 and 8,000 words when typed in double spacing including tables and figures. The abstract should maintain a maximum of 250 words.
Other websites related to this journal:
As of 2013 the Journal of Science & Technology is now fully open access.


Journal of Science and Technology (Zambia)

Journal of Science and Technology (Zambia)

The University of Zambia Journal of Science and Technology provides an outlet for research findings and reviews in areas of science and technology found to be relevant for national and international development. The bi-annual journal is intended, in its publications, to stimulate new research and foster practical application from the research findings. The journal publishes original research of such high quality as to attract contributions from the relevant local, regional and international communities.


Journal of Science, Innovation and Creativity

 Open Access

Journal of Science, Innovation and Creativity

The Journal of Science, Innovation and Creativity is a high quality open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serve the society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation and research work. Journal of Science, Innovation and Creativity welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews and conceptual framework from researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students from all over the world. Journal of Science, Innovation and Creativity engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.
You can view this journal's website here.


Journal of Social Development in Africa

Journal of Social Development in Africa

The Journal of Social Development in Africa (JSDA) publishes analyses of social development issues as they affect the poor and marginalised. It deals especially with concerns relevant to sub-Saharan Africa and is addressed to development workers, social workers, planners, policymakers and academics in a variety of fields. The Journal seeks to enhance understanding of the social development processes to contribute to the planning and implementation of appropriate intervention strategies at different levels. Its goal is to discover how to target projects that are relevant to those most in need and how to maximise popular participation to create egalitarian and productive communities.


Journal of Social Work in Developing Societies

 Open Access

Journal of Social Work in Developing Societies

Journal of Social Work in Developing Societies (JSWDS) is a scholarly refereed and peer-reviewed academic platform designed to extend knowledge, provide a forum for social work-related developmental issues in LMICs, and promote general discourses in the fields of social work, social welfare, community development, and social policies. It aims to provide the much-needed forum for social workers to discuss and debate social issues of developmental significance, with connections to social work insights. Majorly, it seeks to emphasize exemplary research that advances the development of applied knowledge capable of informing the social work discipline and its broad concerns. The journal aims to cover every aspect of social work research, practice, and theory. It is read by social work educators, researchers, practitioners, managers, concerned scholars, and persons outside the discipline who wish to keep up with theoretical and empirical developments in the field of social work.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of Sociology and Development

 Open Access

Journal of Sociology and Development

The Journal of Sociology and Development is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly, original empirical research, theoretical contributions, and book reviews in the fields of Sociology and Development Studies with a multidisciplinary and global perspective, and with a focus on the African continent. The vision of the journal is to stimulate scientific communication towards the understanding of the continent departing from a plurality of perspectives. With most social sciences journals being produced and published outside Africa, JSD is envisaged as a forum for the growing number of academics working within the social sciences disciplines in Africa. International contributions are welcome and crucial in achieving the JSD vision. JSD welcomes contributions in all branches of Sociology as well as contributions in the field of Development Studies that take a marked socio-economic, political and cultural perspective on questions related to societal development, social policy, governance, resource management and similar topics.


Journal of Solar Energy and Sustainable Development

 Open Access

The Journal of Solar Energy and Sustainability Development (JSESD) is a peer-reviewed, open access, biannual, scientific journal. It aims to propagate state-of-the art and eminence research in the journal themes. It provides a bridge between research and implementation of renewable energy technologies. Its content is available to academics and researchers to support exchange of knowledge on the national and global levels. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles, Case studies and technical reports.

Special subject issues may be published within regular issues and they experience the same reviewing scheme.

The JSESD provides renewable energy issues and promotion of renewable energy-based engineering knowledge and advancement. Priority is given to the development of technical solutions regarding issues of energy sustainability and water desalination that would lead to the development of energy systems and help solve water shortage in the region. Discussion of economic and environmental issues of energy systems are highly and well encouraged. The journal welcomes research articles that deals with: modeling, simulation, optimization, analysis and experimental work with appropriate findings. It encourages all research work that will support UN’s sustainable development goals, especially goal number 7 related to clean and affordable energy (SDG7).

JSESD welcomes papers on topics that are within the context of the wide scope of the journal.
You can see the journal's website here.


Journal of Student Affairs in Africa

 Open Access

Journal of Student Affairs in Africa

The Journal of Student Affairs in Africa (JSAA) is an independent, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary, open-access academic journal that publishes scholarly research and reflective discussions about the theory and practice of student affairs in Africa.
JSAA aims to contribute to the professionalization of student affairs in African higher education. It strives to be the foremost academic journal dealing with the theory and practice of the student affairs domain in universities on the African continent, and an indispensable resource for the executive leadership of universities and colleges dealing with student affairs, deans of students and other senior student affairs professionals, as well as institutional researchers and academics and students focused on the field of higher education studies and student affairs.
JSAA is published twice a year by the JSAA Editors in collaboration with University of Pretoria. The editorial and peer review policy adheres to the Code of Best Practice in Editorial Discretion and Peer Review for South African Scholarly Journals (Academy of Sciences of SA Council, 2008). JSAA is published online and in print. Authors publish free of charge; there are no processing or page fees. 

Since 2017, JSAA is DHET-accredited in South Africa by the national Department of Higher Education and Training as a subsidy earning scholarly journal on the SA-list of accredited journals. JSAA is indexed and co-hosted by AJOL, DOAJ, and indexed by ERIC, BASE, WorldCat Libraries and Google Scholar. Scopus, Sherpa/Romeo, Infobase and other indexing service subscriptions are currently being pursued. 


Please register for alerts about new issues and opportunities at
Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of Surgical Technique and Case Report

 Open Access

Journal of Surgical Technique and Case Report

The aim of Journal of Surgical Technique and Case Report is to advance surgical knowledge and practice by promoting the reporting of innovative and reproducible surgical techniques and illustrative surgical cases on various surgical disciplines.  The journal encourages authoritative synthesis of current surgical literature and practice and will serve as a source of material on evidence based knowledge about current acceptable surgical techniques. It will serve as a medium for experts to detail how they do it.   The journal will accommodate case reports, case series and reviews of surgical techniques with potentials to illustrate management of surgical cases or to advance new frontiers in surgical technique. It will provide a quarterly medium for communication and continuing surgical education and debate among surgeons and surgical trainees. Other websites related to this journal:


Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy (The)

 Open Access

Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy (The)

The Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy (JSDLP) is Nigeria’s first interdisciplinary sustainable development journal, published by the OGEES Institute, Afe Babalola University, Nigeria. The journal fosters the dissemination of research results and scholarly papers by teaching and research scholars in Africa and across the world in the area of sustainable development law and policy. The OGEES Institute publishes two issues per year.
The thematic focus of the journal span across broad areas of sustainable development law and policy ranging from the economic, social and environmental dimensions. As such papers that explore broad themes of sustainable development such as environment, natural resources, green economy, international trade, banking, taxation, public policy, public private partnerships, alternative dispute resolutions, peace, and conflict studies are normally given top consideration. The Editorial Board of the Journal comprises international development scholars and experts from Italy, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Nigeria, Canada and the United States that provide leadership and lend their expertise to promote and enhance the scholarly relevance of the journal. 
Other websites associated with this journal: and


Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria

Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria

The Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria focuses on the following areas: Agriculture, Food Science, Technology/Engineering, Science and Applied Science, Vocational/Technical Education.


Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists

Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists

The objectives of Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists are to develop musicology as a field through research and publication of highly standard articles; to enhance quality scholarship in Nigerian music and to promote Nigerian musicology internationally
Web site:


Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences

 Open Access

Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences

Revue de L'academie des Sciences du Cameroun The Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences is a multi-disciplinary publication devoted to all aspects of fundamental and applied research. It also publishes topical reviews on science and technology in development, arts, humanities and culture.
See the journal's website here:
The following Sections will appear in regular numbers of the Journal:
- Biological Sciences Section ( Botany/Plant Science, Zoology/Animal Science, Agricultural Sciences, Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Immunology)
- Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Section (Pure and Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Geology/ Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences)
- Arts and Social Sciences Section (Languages, Literature, Linguistics, History, Law, Philosophy, Policy Sciences, Economics, Management Sciences , Sociology, Science of Education)
-Other sections and disciplines may be added after due authorization by the Executive Council of CAS.


Journal of the Eritrean Medical Association

 Open Access

Journal of the Eritrean Medical Association

The journal aims to publish and disseminate scientifically rigorous health information of Eritrean and international significance that enables policy makers, researchers, and practitioners to be more effective in the improvement of the health of Eritrean people


Journal of the Ghana Institution of Engineering

 Open Access

Journal of the Ghana Institution of Engineering

The Journal of the Ghana Institution of Engineering (JGhIE) is a peer reviewed, open access, multidisciplinary engineering journal published by the Ghana Institution of Engineering (GhIE) that is dedicated to expanding access to research information on engineering, technological developments, and related applied sciences. The journal aims to provide a standard, highly visible, international platform for publishing engineering and related scientific research projecting excellence in engineering practice and technological advancements. The journal is published quarterly, and its readership include engineering practitioners and allied professionals, scientists, civil and public servants, researchers, academics, students, industrialists, and consultants.
The journal website can be found here:


Journal of the Ghana Science Association

Journal of the Ghana Science Association

The Journal of the Ghana Science Association publishes scholarly articles in all disciplines of science and technology and will normally be published three times in a year. Articles are accepted from Ghana and elsewhere and the topic need not be related to Ghana or West Africa. The contents of the issues focus primarily on original research articles submitted at its biennial conferences after the papers have been thoroughly refereed by competent specialists in science and technology. However, in addition to the conference papers, other original articles, reviews and short communications are invited from authors.


Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO

 Open Access

Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO

Kenya National Commission is the focalpoint for all UNESCO affairs in Kenya, in disciplinary scope that cuts across government agencies,academia, Non- governmental Organizations (NGOs), Civil Society Organizations (CBOs)and individuals dealing in UNESCO areas of competence.

As the intellectual arm of the United Nations, UNESCO serves as a laboratory of ideas and clearing house for collecting, exchanging and disseminating information in UNESCO areas of competence. The Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO is a fulfilment of the UNESCO mandate and is an initiative of the Board of the Commission.The Journal has been made a success by a team of commiteed Editorial Board of the Commission.

Among the critical roles of Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, is to share knowledge and advice government on policy. The Commission anticipates that the dissemination of this journal shall influence improved performance and decision making in various Ministries, Departments and Agencies in the Government of Kenya and the world at large.

Aims and Scope
The Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO is a platform open to scholars and researchers across the globe.The aim of the Journal is to be a leading source of scholarly articles and research papers in the UNESCO thematic areas through the promotion of research publications.The Journal Publishes articles in the thematic areas of Education, Sciences, Culture, and Communication and Information.

You can view this journal's website here.


Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa

Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa

The Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa (JMAA) is published by NISC (Pty) Ltd in association with the South African College of Music at the University of Cape Town. It is an accredited, internationally refereed journal that aims to combine ethnomusicological, musicological, music educational and performance-based research in a unique way to promote the musical arts on the African continent. This journal also incorporates book, audio and audiovisual media and software reviews.Read more here


Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics

Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics

The journal is directed at any scientist who applies fairly rigorous mathematics to physics, chemistry, engineering or other sciences and also any mathematicians whose results have direct applicability in physics,chemistry, engineering and so forth.


Journal of the Nigerian Infection Control Association

Journal of the Nigerian Infection Control Association

The Journal of the Nigerian Infection Control Association publishes articles which deal with clinical medicine, basic medical science, dental sciences, pharmaceutical, veterinary sciences, nursing services and medical education and other related disciplines which are pertinent to infection control.
Language of Publication: English Language.
Subject: Biological Sciences; Medicine


Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project

 Open Access

Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project

The Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project is a peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary academic journal. It publishes serious, well-researched, and original papers or reports in linguistics, languages, literature, culture, and technology, as well as communication studies related to Nigerian languages. It is an annual publication that began in 2019. It publishes occasional supplements as the needs arise. Although manuscripts are received all year round for consideration, it is an outlet for the work on the Nigerian Languages Project, some of which pass through the Conference of the Nigerian Languages Project (CNLP).

Aims and Scope
The Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal of the Nigerian Languages project. The journal's main aim is to gather information on the documentation efforts across Nigeria and publish volumes on and in the languages of Nigeria. It publishes articles from linguists, language activists, and speakers that address theory, research, technology, and practice concerning Nigerian languages, literature, culture, and indigenous knowledge systems from synchronic and diachronic perspectives.

You can see this journal's own website here.


Journal of the Nigerian Optometric Association

 Open Access

Journal of the Nigerian Optometric Association

Journal of the Nigerian Optometric Association (JNOA) is the official scientific publication of the Nigerian Optometric Association. It is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal devoted to bringing together up-to-date clinical and scientific research information and novel developments in the broad fields of optometry and vision science including basic and clinical research aimed at advancing the science, technology, ethics and practice of Optometry and Health sciences.
The scope of the journal covers basic, translational and clinical research in optometry and vision science. The journal publishes research in the broad fields of Eye Care/Vision Sciences and Public
Health; Primary Care Optometry, Public Health Optometry, Rehabilitative Optometry and Low Vision Care, Paediatric Optometry, Corneal and Contact Lenses, Ocular Health, Orthoptics, Anatomy, Physiology, Epidemiology, Economics and Sociology of Vision and Blindness, Ocular Biomedics, Optics and Instrumentation, Optometric Education and History, etc. Publication of papers in this journal requires strict compliance with specifications as outlined herein. The audience of JNOA includes Optometrists, Ophthalmologists, Ophthalmic Nurses, Public health and Vision Scientists as well as undergraduate and post-graduate students in these field.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of the Obafemi Awolowo University Medical Student's Association (IFEMED)

Journal of the Obafemi Awolowo University Medical Student's Association (IFEMED)

IFEMED Journal is the official publication of Obafemi Awolowo University Medical Students’ Association, Ile-Ife , Nigeria .
The Journal Club periodically publishes articles on medical and medically related topics for the consumption of emerging health care professionals from all over the country, ranging from medical, pharmacy, dental, physiotherapy and nursing students. In the past, the Club had published editions of the journal on topical issues such as 'Malaria', 'Tuberculosis', 'Renal Diseases', ‘Infectious diseases in Children’, 'Cancer in Nigeria’ since its inception in 1976


Journal of the Pan African Thoracic Society

 Open Access

Journal of the Pan African Thoracic Society

JPATS aims to promote lung health in Africa, the continent most afflicted by morbidity and death from respiratory diseases, by promoting education, research, advocacy, optimal care and the development of African capacity to address respiratory challenges in the continent.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of the South African Society of Archivists

 Open Access

Journal of the South African Society of Archivists

Journal Aim and Scope
The Journal of the South African Society of Archivists (JSASA) is published annually by the South African Society of Archivists. The journal publishes original articles and book reviews in English on archival science, records, information management and oral history. The purpose of the JSASA is to disseminate research content that support high level learning, teaching, community engagement, research and practice-based experience in archives and records management. Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form or be under consideration for publication by another journal. The main focus is on empirical research results, case studies and reports of innovative projects. However, opinion papers and articles of high quality on practical and theoretical aspects will be considered. This journal is especially useful to professionals, academics and students in the archives, heritage, museum and records management fields.
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Journal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology

Journal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology

The Journal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology (JTMB) formerly Journal of Tropical Microbiology gives preeminence to the central role of modern biotechnology and microorganisms as tools and targets in current research, which is largely multidisciplinary. JTMB covers a broad range of topics, such as disease diagnostics and detection, nodulation in trees, and the use of Agrobacterium in gene transfer.


Journal of Underutilized Legumes

 Open Access

JUL is an official publication of the Society of Underutilized Legumes, is an international peer-reviewed journal that is generally seeking to be one of the world’s most rated, well-indexed, and most globally circulated journals in the nearest future. JUL is dedicated to publishing original research articles as well as reviews and short communications on issues relating to research and development and other issues geared towards improving the economics, utilization, conservation and general development of the underutilized legumes in the African Continent and the world at large. The Journal basically covers areas of Agronomy, Crop Development, Botany, Biochemistry, Ethnobotany, Taxonomy,Biotechnology, Climate change, Animal Nutrition, Law, Commerce, Economics, and any other Field or Discipline wherein the research/discourse is majorly based on underutilized legumes. To accommodate a wider scope, the journal publishes articles covering other underutilized crops.
You can see this journal's website here.


Journal of Visual and Performing Arts

 Open Access

Journal of Visual and Performing Arts

The Journal of Visual and Performing Arts is a high quality open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serve the society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation and research work. Journal of Visual and Performing Arts welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews and conceptual framework from researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students from all over the world. Journal of Visual and Performing Arts engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.
You can see this journal's website here:


Journal of Water Science and Environment Technologies

 Open Access

Journal of Water Science & Environment Technologies – JOWSET- is an international, peer-reviewed journal covering all of the water & environmental sciences, including different disciplinary and emerging research fields.
Aims & Scope
We aim to make JOWSET as a platform between applied sciences, engineering applications and environmental aspects of water. Papers describing progress in full-scale implementations are particularly encouraged. JOWSET offers fast publication for new findings and research directions.
Topics of the journal
The scope of the journal covers an extensive set of subject areas; theoretical, fundamental and applied papers are welcome on the areas detailed below:

  • Water treatment Processes and Technologies

  • Desalting technologies

  • Membranes technologies

  • Environmental Technologies,

  • Removal & sensing technologies of pollutants

  • Nanoparticles uses in water treatments

  • Water and urban Hydro systems

  • Emissions and transfer of pollutants,

  • Waste, Soil and Sediments

  • Organic and mineral anthropical waste (mainly solid waste, urban water, sediment).

  • Environmental risks.

  • Renewable energy

  • Climate change

  • Life Cycle Analysis

Readership information
Readership of JOWSET includes academic, government and industrial scientists from all disciplines, specialized or interdisciplinary, including the following.

  • Physical and theoretical chemists

  • Analytical

  • Organic & inorganic Materials

  • Hydrogeology

  • Polymer

  • Surface

  • Sustainable energy and environmental scientists

  • Biochemists

  • Biologists

  • Physicists

  • Engineers

  • Water treatment


Journal Tunisien d'ORL et de Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale

 Open Access

Journal Tunisien d'ORL et de Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale

The aim of the journal is to publish original papers on the field of Otorhinolaryngology & face and neck surgery. Our goal after 10 years of our journal publication is a wider diffusion to the African colleagues. The editors also encourage the submission of articles from African French-speaking countries. Our web site allows a free full text access to approximately 250 articles published since the year 2000.Other websites related to this journal: 


Jumuga Journal of Education, Oral Studies, and Human Sciences

 Open Access

Jumuga Journal of Education, Oral Studies, and Human Sciences

JJEOSHS is a publication of Jumuga Research Team, a group of scholars who first brainstormed on myriad of challenges and unresolved issues in the era of globalization. Is globalization ushering in a just society or a poorer world where huge gaping holes in all centers of human endeavors obtains? Have we lived up to the dictates of the 21st skills movement in education that calls for professional networking globally, originality in research, technology-driven researches, joint researches, and multidisciplinary academic discourses? Do we have enough resources to establish a credible international journal that has a global appeal? While financial resources remain elusive, we realized that we have plenty of human resources, specialists in Business, History, English language, Economic Management, Gender and Development, Political Science, Oral Literature, Literature, Theology, Philosophy, Sociology, Religion, Anthropology and Education Foundations.
In addressing the above questions since 2010, the members felt that financial resources need not impede a noble mission. As the Cuban revolutionalist (Fidel Castro, 1926-2016) once said, “I began revolution with 82 men. If I had to do it again, I do it with 10 or 15 and absolute faith. It does not matter how small you are if you have faith and plan of action.” With faith, we dare let JJEOSHS speak to the world and attempt to offer solutions in our respective areas. Again, as the American business magnate (Bill Gates) once noted, “Great educators have always known that learning is not something that is limited to the classrooms, or that should be forcibly undertaken under the supervision of teachers.” Through this forum of research and publication, especially online publication, we build a broad-based library of learning relevant matters facing our global community. It is in this space that we build an online classroom that is bringing like-minded people on board. It is in this forum that we are empowered to mentor one another through the medium of publication, and indeed appreciate that we can all be teachers, mentors, and coaches to one another. We realize the broad nature of education that surpasses the four corners of the classroom. Being in the age of technology, we attempt to make the best use of education; and indeed sharpen our brains through reading and critiquing the already published work. With a mere phone, iPad, laptop or a desk top we can now explore some of the best ideas that could otherwise be taken to the maker without having been read or heard anywhere. With this conviction, Jumuga Research Team were convinced that we too can make a difference just as those who were before us did; and hopefully surpass them courtesy of the new age of science and technology.
In so doing, we sought to be the proverbial Giraffe that saw the present and the future plus the inherent dangers of the jungle and chose to talk rather than keep the knowledge to itself. We chose to talk rather than merely watch the unfolding drama. Such insights resonate with the scriptural exhortation that says, “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). In borrowing the wisdom of the proverbial and far-sighted Giraffe, we felt that research and publication is the way to go. JJEOSHS is a by-product of this journal that begun as a mere brainstorming session during our leisure times. Certainly, even leisure session has far-reaching impacts on the life of an individual and the society.
JJEOSHS journal is attractive in appearance, published on time, delivers quality papers, open to all people across the globe, and encourages graduating post graduate scholars to publish with us. We encourage original researches from readers and researchers of all calibers of life, irrespective of their levels of education. We publish all quality papers brought to us, provided, they are of good standards. We encourage the marginalized groups in our global society to submit their researches, write-ups, articles, book reviews, and short messages as well. Such marginalized groups in society may include refugees, homeless people, vagabonds who are in their situations out of human error, women who feel messed up by patriarchy, evictees, and victims of war among others. Such can write papers on Education in marginalized areas, Survival in specific marginalized areas, Study of mathematics in a refugee camp, winning an electoral contest in a foreign land, business ventures in time of war, a case study on Jewish or African evictees, learning English in a non-English speaking countries, the challenge of terrorism in a particular city of the world, interracial marriage in the era of globalization, and strategies of overcoming prejudices in specific areas among other critical areas. Equally, affluent societies may provide researches that are relevant to our contemporary situations.