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The potential in Natal for the radical improvement of the veld and the fortification on established pastures

Theron EP
Lesch SF
Mappledoram BD


A description is given of a field experiment in which different degrees of radical veld improvement (RVI) were evaluated by comparing the performance of beef steers. The results showed that the profitability of the enterprise was generally positively related to the intensity of pasture development and that the inclusion of white clover in the intensification program contributed significantly to the profit margin.

Keywords: KwaZulu Natal Province|veld condition|veld|improvements|pastures|evaluations|steers|cattle|beef production|profitabilities|pasture development|white clover|Highland|sourveld|replacements|grazing|treatments|herbage production|stocking rates

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119