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Causes of child mortality in Gondar hospital, Ethiopia

Telahun Teka



During a five year period (1987"1992). a total of 656 childhood hospital deaths. between the age of days and 15 years were registered in the Paediatrics Department, Gondar College of Medical Sciences. Protein-energy malnutrition (24.5%). bronchopneumonia (12.2%). pyogenic meningitis (8.4 ) , septicemia (7 % ) and disseminated tuberculosis (6. 1 % ) were the five primary leading causes of death. Four hundred eighty five (73.9%) of the deaths occurred in children under five years of age. Two hundred seventy (41.2%) children were admitted in a moribund state and died within 24 hours of admission.[Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1996; 10(3): 145-148]

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eISSN: 1021-6790
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