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Counselling students with depressive tendencies for better educational and personal-social adjustment: The cognitive restructuring approach

VN Madu
PMA Adadu


The paper explores the contextual meaning of depressive tendency as could be measured by a score of 20 and above on Beck Depression Inventory and still functioning in a normal population such as school. Evidence of depressive symptoms in Colleges of Education is cited. Reasons why students are at risk for depression are discussed, such as no age barrier for depression, stress and hassles of life emanating from high academic pressures, new financial responsibility, new relationship etc. Problems associated with depressive tendency are discussed such as inability to do what one ought to do at the right time, or not doing it satisfactorily due to symptom interference; may lack creative endeavour which requires thinking and action; poor interaction and less information. Cognitive restructuring as a counseling strategy is expounded upon for adaptation by professional counsellors and psychologists. Emphasis is laid on teaching students self-monitoring in order to identify negative automatic thoughts that are fueling the depressive symptoms and to replace them with more adaptive thoughts, which help one feel better.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2992-4480
print ISSN: 1596-6224