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Monitoring air pollutants due to gas flaring using rain water

A Rim-Rukeh
GO Ikiafa
PA Okokoyo


The paper assessed major air pollutants resulting from gas flaring using rainwater. Rainwater samples were collected during the dry and wet seasons (2002/2003) and analyzed for physico-chemical characteristics such as, pH, TDS, conductivity, NO3-, CO32- and SO42-. The mean values for the studied parameters during the dry season were pH (5.3) conductivity (20.50 µs/cm), TDS (17.13 mg/L), NO3-(23 mg/L), S042- (1.41/ mg/L) and CO32- (16.97 mg/L) and that for wet season were; pH (6.1), conductivity (19.60µs/cm), TDS (16.56mg/L), NO3-(24mg/L), CO32- (16.13mg/L) SO42- (1.29mg/L). The mean levels of conductivity, TDS, and SO42- were within statutory safe limits, while that of pH, CO32- and NO3- were above the safe limits specified by the Federal Ministry of Environment guidelines and standards for drinking water quality.

Keywords: rainwater, gas flare, pollutants, monitoring, water quality

Global Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol. 4(2) 2005: 123–126

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-6194
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