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The role of management in promoting a motivational work setting for nurses: research

Karien Jooste
Oscar Kilpert


The use of motivation and reward strategies is necessary for empowerment of staff members in their work situation. For motivation to occur in a health service, strategies should focus on self-motivation, expansion and enrichment of tasks, acknowledgement of work performances of nurses, rewards for outstanding service and constructive feedback by managers to nurses. A descriptive, explorative study was done to investigate the current motivational strategies used in health services management settings. A sample of 112 nurses completed a questionnaire that provided information relating to the employer/health service (organisational culture, personal values and expectations), the direct supervisor of a staff member (working relationships, interpersonal skills of the supervisor) and self-concept. Important strategies that should be employed by managers in the establishment of a motivational environment for staff are integrated into a conceptual framework. The framework lends itself for planning of future in-service training of nursing staff members. Special attention will be given to the following nursing management principles:
Nurses have to play their own role in the attainment of their personal objectives.
Open acknowledgement of work performances of nurses is a priority.
Nurses require support and positive feedback that fosters a feeling of self worth.
Job descriptions should not prevent staff from moving beyond their core tasks.
Change is needed in creating a new organisational climate that favours remuneration.
Based on the findings of this research study, the researcher sets out to illuminate the aspects fundamentally involved in maintenance of a motivational working climate for nursing staff members.

Die gebruik van motiverings- en beloningstrategieë vir die bemagtiging van personeellede in hulle werksituasie is nodig. Vir motivering, om in 'n gesondheidsdiens plaas te vind, behoort strategieë op selfmotivering, uitbreiding en verryking van take, erkenning van werkverrigting van verpleegkundiges, belonings vir uitstaande dienslewering en konstruktiewe terugvoer van bestuurders aan verpleegkundiges, te fokus. 'n Beskrywende, eksploratiewe studie is uitgevoer wat die huidige motiveringstrategieë wat in bestuursituasies in gesondheidsdienste gebruik word, ondersoek. 'n Steekproef van 112 verpleegkundiges het 'n vraelys voltooi wat inligting aangaande die werknemer/gesondheidsdiens (organisatoriese kultuur, persoonlike waardes en verwagtinge), die direkte toesighouer van 'n personeellid (werksverhoudinge, interpersoonlike vaardighede) en selfkonsep voorsien het. Belangrike strategieë wat deur bestuurders gebruik behoort te word in die vestiging van 'n gemotiveerde klimaat vir personeel, word in 'n konseptuele raamwerk vasgelê. Hierdie raamwerk leen homself tot toekomstige beplanning van indiensopleiding vir verpleegpersoneel. Spesiale aandag sal aan die volgende bestuursbeginsels geskenk word:
Verpleegkundiges is self betrokke by die bereiking van hulle persoonlike doelwitte.
Openlike erkenning van werkprestasies van verpleegkundiges is 'n prioriteit.
Verpleegkundiges vereis ondersteuning en positiewe terugvoer wat 'n gevoel van selfwaarde bevorder.
Werkbeskrywings behoort personeel nie te verhoed om buite hul kerntake te beweeg nie.
Verandering is nodig in die skep van 'n nuwe organisatoriese omgewing wat beloning voorstaan.
Gebaseer op die bevindinge van hierdie navorsingstudie, poog die navorser om aspekte wat fundamenteel in die behoud van 'n motiverende werksklimaat vir verpleegpersoneellede is, uit te lig.

(Health SA Gesondheid: interdisciplinary research journal: 2002 7(2): 14-24)

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2071-9736
print ISSN: 1025-9848