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Synergy between indigenous knowledge systems, modern health care system and scientific research - a vision for the 21st century

FM Mulaudzi


Research already conducted in African countries indicates that the majority of patients still seek help from the traditional indigenous health care systems. This is an indication that, to achieve the goals of Health Care for All in the 21 st century, there is a need to acknowledge the role played by indigenous health practitioners as well as those practising complementary health care methods. The aim of the theme "African renaissance" is to focus on the renewal of African roots, which in health care is without doubt the indigenous health care methods. Although the government has already put in place mechanisms to accommodate this field of health practice, some critics still feel that the methods for diagnosis, treatment, medication as well as the training and certification are not scientific enough. It is therefore eminent that sustainable health care development that can benefit all the people of this country should harness a synergy between indigenous health care systems, scientific research and modern health care methods. This article attempts to address the historical evolution of health care methods in South Africa, its effect on the community as well as challenges facing the health professions.

Navorsing wat reeds in Afrikalande onderneem is, dui aan dat die meerderheid pasiënte steeds hulp soek vanaf die tradisioneel inheemse gesondheidsorgsisteme. Dit dien as aanduiding dat, ten einde die doelwitte van Gesondheidsorg vir Almal in die 21ste eeu te bereik, daar 'n behoefte is om die rol wat inheemse gesondheidsorgpraktisyns speel, te erken. Dieselfde geld vir diegene wat komplimentêre gesondheidsorg metodes beoefen.
Die doelwit van die tema "Africa Rennaissance" is om te fokus op die herlewing van Afrika wortels, wat in die gesondheidsorg gewis dui op inheemse gesondheidsorgmetodes. Alhoewel die regering reeds meganismes ingestel het om hierdie veld van gesondheidsorgpraktyke te akkomodeer, is sekere kritici steeds van mening dat die metodes wat aangewend word vir diagnose, behandeling, medikasie sowel as opleiding en sertifisering, wetenskaplik nie voldoende is nie. Dit is daarom eminent dat ten einde gesondheidsorgontwikkeling vol te hou tot voordeel van al die mense in hierdie land, dit nodig is om die sinergieë wat bestaan tussen inheemse gesondheidsorgsisteme, wetenskaplike navorsing en moderne gesondheidsorgmetodes, met mekaar in te weef. Hierdie artikel poog om die historiese evolusie van gesondheidsorgmetodes in ons land, die effek daarvan op die gemeenskap, sowel as die uitdagings wat die gesondheidsorgprofessies in die gesig staar, aan te spreek.

Health SA Gesondheid Vol.6(4) 2003: 14-20

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2071-9736
print ISSN: 1025-9848