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Telematic education: a reality in post-basic nursing education

SM Meyer


No institution is immune to the impact of technological change. The introduction of cable television and satellite broadcasting has resulted in an increase in employing the technology in question for educational purposes. Computers and communication technologies are merging globally, and technology such as Telematic Education is being used in the best possible way by the University of Pretoria to support its service delivery mechanisms.
Telematic Education refers to a comprehensive system of flexible learning. It includes all modes of education, as well as low and high technological methods. Although nurses/lecturers have been confronted with the fast development of technology for many years, it has been in clinical practice mostly. Professional nurses need to develop professionally in non-clinical specialities as well. Continued education by means of a distant education method will serve as an academic solution to professional nurses in the rural areas of South Africa.

Lecturers who teach by means of telematic education are required to be skilled, selfconfident, and should also be flexible. The twenty-first century will indeed see many changes, with lecturers, students and preceptors joined together in dialogue to question, demonstrate, and participate actively in the learning process. All of this will happen without students having to set foot in a classroom.

Geen instansie is immuun teen tegnologiese veranderinge nie. Die bekendstelling van satelliet en kabeltelevisie het gelei tot 'n vermeerderde gebruik van tegnologie vir onderwyskundige doeleindes. Daar is 'n samesmelting van rekenaar en kommunikasie tegnologie wêreldwyd en tegnologie soos Telematiese Onderwys word deur die Universiteit van Pretoria gebruik op die mees geskikte wyse om hul dienslewerings sisteme te ondersteun.

Telematiese onderrig verwys na 'n omvattende sisteem van fleksileer. Dit sluit alle modi van onderwys, sowel as lae en hoë tegnologiese metodes in. Verpleegkundiges/dosente word al jare deur tegnologie gekonfronteer, maar hoofsaaklik in die kliniese praktyk. Verpleegkundiges/dosente moet egter ook tegnologie as deel van hul professionele ontwikkeling in nie-kliniese areas sien. Voortgesette onderwys by wyse van afstandsonderrig dien as 'n oplossing vir verpleegkundiges in die landelike gebiede van Suid-Afrika.
Telematiese onderrig vereis van dosente om kundig en plooibaar te wees, asook die medium met selfvertroue te gebruik. Die een-en-twintigste eeu sal verseker baie veranderinge meebring, soos dosente, studente en preseptore saamkom in debatvoering ten einde te bevraagteken, demonstreer en aktief deelneem in die leerproses. Dit kan alles plaasvind sonder dat die dosent of die student fisies in die klaskamer is.

Health SA Gesondheid Vol.6(4) 2003: 66-70

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2071-9736
print ISSN: 1025-9848