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’n Krities-hermeneutiese perspektief op die huwelik in ’n postmoderne era

Anet E Dreyer
Andries G van Aarde


A critical-hermeneutical perspective on marriage in postmodern times
This research report consists of two articles. The first part is titled: Biblical models of marriage: A critical perspective. In the first article the book of Adrian Thatcher (1999) Marriage after modernity: Christian marriage in postmodern times, is discussed in conjunction with other relevant studies. His hermeneutical approach identifies five Biblical models of marriage. An overview and discussion of these models lead to the question of whether these models could assist in understanding the essence of marriage in postmodern times. Based on the research of recent studies, this second article is an attempt to modify and implement his models as a possible framework and guidelines to address the complexity of marriage in our context.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422