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Gods openbaring in Jezus als de ‘Nederige’: Mattheus’ versie van de zaligsprekingen en een rabbijnse opvatting van ’Anawah

H.F. van der Meulen


God ’s revelation in Jesus as the ‘Humble One ’: Matthew’s version of the Beatitudes and an early- Christian and rabbinical concept of 'Anawah. The author tries to examine how Matthew combines his version of the Beatitudes within the oth er material of his gospel writing. The Matthean Beatitudes appear to be statements of Jesus about himself in connection with the concept of 'Anawah. In the Old Testament one can already find some prophetic and poetic thoughts about God as the ’Anawah. Matthew makes use of this concept which was already known by Early Christianity, and further evolved by the rabbis. In his version of the Beatitudes he tries to describe Jesus as the personified ’Anawah

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422