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Om te teologiseer oor God en lyding: Opmerkings na aanleiding van Harold Kushner se interpretasie van Job 40:9-14

I.J.J. Spangenberg


To reflect theologically on God and suffering: Remarks relating to Harold Kushner’s interpretation of Job 40:9-14

More than a decade ago rabbi Harold Kushner wrote a bestseller on God and suffering, entitled When bad things happen to good people. Even Christian theologians took cognizance of it. Kushner based his ideas on a dubious interpretation of Job 40:9-14. According to this interpretation, God confesses his inability to control evil at all times. Although this interpretation can be questioned the reflections are stimulating. Kushner’s book is a clear indication of how theological reflection comes about. Theological statements do not flow directly from the Tanakh or from the Christian Bible. As ancient Near Eastern religious documents they only serve as catalysts for our own theological reflections.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422