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Liver Abscess: A Review

AA Akinkuolie


Liver abscess can be defined as an area of liquefied infected infarct. Differentiating the etiology of the abscess is important in the diagnosis and management of the patient. The pathogenic route of infection determines the microbiology and loculation of the abscess. Presentations of liver abscesses depend on the severity of the disease, its chronicity, microbiology of the abscess, age of the patient, presence or absence of vascular compression and extension of abscess into contiguous organ(s). Investigations in a patient with liver abscess can be divided into: diagnostic; liver parenchyma status; anatomical and physiological effect of the disease on body. Management of liver abscess is dependent
on available resources, expertise, disease severity and co-morbity. The prognosis of patients with liver abscess is determined solely by the functional status of the underlying liver.

IFEMED Journal Vol. 14 (1) 2008: pp. 40-45

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eISSN: 0331-3727
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