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Acute Appendicitis: Incidence and Management in Nigeria

OI Alatise
T Ogunweide


Appendicitis is the leading cause of surgical emergency admission in most hospital in Nigeria. It accounts for about 15-40% of all emergency surgery done in most centers in the country. All age groups can develop the disease including the fetus in utero, but the incidence is higher in the second and third decade of life. Majority of patients in Nigeria present late with complicated disease. Surgery is the treatment of choice for appendicitis. However patients must be adequately resuscitated before the procedure. Prognosis is excellent. High morbidities and occasional mortalities seen are usually due to late presentation and delay in treatments. Fear of surgery and cost of treatment are the main reason for late presentation. Mass education should be done to enlighten the populace
on the evil of late presentation. The government should be implored to make widely available social support facilities that patients can make use of, at least in emergency situations.

IFEMED Journal Vol. 14 (1) 2008: pp. 66-70

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0331-3727
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