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Prevalence of Neonatal Jaundice on Central Hospital, Warri, Delta State, Nigeria

HE Chime
JA Egenede
JE Arute


Purpose: To determine the prevalence and predisposing factors of Neonatal Jaundice in a health-care facility in Delta State.
Methods: 272 babies (aged 1 – 30 days) the Neonatal Clinic of the Department of Child Health, Central Hospital, Warri, Delta State between June 2009 and June 2010 were examined daily for evidence of jaundice. Those with serum bilirubin ³15mg/100ml were subjected to additional clinical and laboratory investigations to determine the  predisposing/etiologic factors for jaundice. The socio-demographic data of their mothers were assessed using a semi-structured questionnaire. The data generated were analyzed.
Results: Of the 160 male and 112 female babies sampled, 56 males (21%) and 33 females (12%) were found to be jaundiced. Majority of the cases (72.4% males, 70.8% females) had known predisposing/etiologic factors. The mothers who were single and divorced had relatively higher cases of jaundiced babies (50% and 35.5%, respectively). The prevalence rate was also higher among mothers with primary (55.1%) and secondary levels (36.8%) of education, than those with tertiary level of education (8.1%). Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, ABO  incompatibility and low birth weight were found to be major  predisposing/etiologic factors.

Conclusion: Neonatal jaundice was common among the babies in the health facility studied and was higher among mothers who had low level of education and babies whose parents had divorced.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-9819