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Activation of NF-ê B signalling pathway by inflammatory regulators and associated drug discovering

S Xu
X Li
X Shen
X Guo
Y Peng
Y Liu
Q Zhao
S Feng
F Wang


Intracellular signalling transduction plays a pivotal role in cell activation,
and the regulation of gene transcription needs the involvement of series of nuclear factors. Nuclear transcription factor- kappa B, one of the key factors in mediating gene expression, takes an essential part in a body of physiological and pathological processes. Endotoxin lipopolysaccharides, proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha, liganddependent immunocellular B cell receptor and inflammation-associated bradykinin are four typical NF-êB activation pathways. Activating or inhibitory drugs focused on NF-êB may
be strongly related with the therapy of associated diseases, and the exploration of effective and economical drugs concentrated on NF-êB is crucial.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1694-0423