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Two red-capped robin-chats <i>Cossypha natalensis</i> imitate antiphonal duet of black-faced rufous warblers <i>Bathmocercus rufus</i>

Thomas T. Struhsaker


During my studies of primate behavioral ecology in the Kibale Forest, Uganda, I documented the first cases of red-capped robin-chats Cossypha natalensis imitating an antiphonal duet. In one case two individual robin chats imitated the entire duet of the black-faced rufous warbler Bathmocercus rufus, each giving both the male and female components. In a second case one robin chat gave the male components and another gave that of the female warbler. The lack of temporal separation between the male and female components of the warbler’s antiphonal duet indicates an unusually high level of auditory perception and response time and cognitive ability on the part of redcapped robin-chats.

Keywords: auditory perception, response time, cognitive abilities

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1026-1613
print ISSN: 0012-8317