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Rheophytes of Africa – A review

G. K. Ameka
J. K. Adomako
K. A. A. De Graft‑Johnson
M. Cheek
M. D. Swaine


The unique biological group of rheophytes are plant species confined to the beds and banks (below the flood level) of streams and rivers. Rheophytes are poorly known in Africa and until now have hardly been studied. A preliminary list of African rheophytes is presented. One hundred and twelve species from 18 families are accepted as rheophytes for Africa and their peculiar characteristics and distribution in continental Africa are discussed. We wish to draw the attention of African botanists to this fascinating, yet uninvestigated group of plants.

JOURNAL OF THE GHANA SCIENCE ASSOCIATION Volume 1 Number 3, July (1999) pp. 133-146

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0855-3823