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In-vitro sensitivity patterns of ocular microbial isolates to human urine therapy

NM Osita-Emina
IB Uduoise


The in-vitro sensitivity test carried out with urine as an antimicrobial agent showed that it fell short of the expectation. The maximum margin over WHO standard of 0.7cminhibition zone was 0.2cm, and the minimum was zero. The mean value for urine zone of inhibition was 0.63cm, SD ±0.018, 0.07cm below the expected standard for chemotherapeutic use. In spite of these, the use of urine therapy for ocular diseases is socially unacceptable. Fifty (50) samples of urine were obtained for the study, but only 3 were free from various abnormalities. Therefore, the use of urine for treatment of ocular diseases should be discouraged and condemned.

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eISSN: 0795-0039
print ISSN: 0795-0039
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