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Suivi de 12 mois d’une cohorte de 81 patients survivants d’avc au Chu de Lome- Togo

M Belo
K Balogou
KM Guinhouya
V Kumako
K Assogba
Y Banakinao
E Goeh-Akue
EK Grunitzk


Strokes are the main causes of mortality and morbidity in the neurological department in Togo. Despite this situation, the future of the survivors was not well known. Therefore, it was necessary to conduct a
study not only on the mortality provided by stroke but also on the survivor’s future during the first year following their neurological event.
Methodology: A prospective and transversal study was carried up from 1st july to december 31st 2003 in Lome Campus Teaching Hospital. This study included 110 stroke’s victims in the neurological
department. Results: Hospital morbidity rate was 26, 36%. At the end of one year follow up, 25, 92% of the survivors died. High blood pressure was the main risk factor. It was received through 90, 12% of the patients. In both cases, the mortality rate due to cerebral haemorrhage was better than ischemic stroke. In the other hand, the recovery rate in cerebral haemorrhage patients was better. At the end of 12 months follow up, disability rate was 4% in haemorrhage patients and 17, 14 % in the ischemic stroke group.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2413-354X
print ISSN: 1727-8651