Published: 2009-08-26

Determination of post-caesarean wound infection at the University college hospital Ibadan Nigeria

IO Morhason-Bello, A Oladokun, BO Adedokun, KA Obisesan, OA Ojengbede, OO Okuyemi

Trends in acute emergency room hypertension related deaths: An autopsy study

AC Mbakwem, DA Oke, JNA Ajuluchukwu, FB Abdulkareem, O Ale, K Odunlami

Computerized tomography of children with seizure disorders

RD Wammanda, JO Anyiam, AU Hamidu, ND Chom, EE Eseigbe

Pre-hospital care in Nigeria: A country without emergency medical services

BA Solagberu, CKP Ofoegbu, LO Abdur-Rahman, AO Adekanye, US Udoffa, J Taiwo

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2229-7731
print ISSN: 1119-3077
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