Peer Review

Manuscripts received by the Editor are read and sent by post to preselected Reviewers according to the specialty of the study theme. Every article to a Reviewer is accompanied by a copy of The Nigerian Journal of General Practice Instructions for Manuscript Reviewers. Articles sent to reviewers are expected back within six weeks. The Reviewer’s impression may range from publish the paper as it is, or publish it after minor revisions, or publish it after major revisions as suggested [the Reviewer may be asked if he/she would want to review the revised paper], the Reviewer may advice that the paper is more suitable for publication in another journal or advice that the paper be rejected. The Reviewer is free to offer specific suggestions to improve the manuscript. The authors of articles that were accepted are written letters of acceptance of their manuscripts and are told when their articles would be published. Those with articles requiring corrections have their articles mailed back to them with the Reviewer’s comments. Such articles are accepted after the required corrections have been effected .The Editor-in Chief determines the number of articles published in each edition of the Journal.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publication Scheduling

Biannual publication


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The Association of General and Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria [AGPMPN]

National Executive Officers
Dr. Anthony Omolola

1st Vice President
Dr. Frank O. Odafen

2nd Vice President
Dr Chris Ezeanyim

Secretary General
Dr. Ernest O,Eze-Okoye

Dr. Steve Ekwelibe

Publicity Secretary
Dr. Tope Oyelade

Assistant General Secretary
Dr. Bolaji Ogunlari

Editor NJGP
Dr. Francis Edo Olotu

WONCA Council Member
Dr. Segun Bammeke

Immediate Past President
Dr. Ade Tade

Immediate Past Secretary-General
Dr. Marcus Eruaga

Association of General and Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria [AGPMPN], Member of the World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA)
9 Sam Shonibare Street, Lawanson Suru-Lere,
Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: + 234-803-241-4323
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Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1118-4647
print ISSN: 1118-4647
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