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Influence of cutting type and artificial hormone on the rootability of mango (<I>Mangifera indica L.</I>) in Southern Guinea Savanna, Nigeria

S. Yussuf Abdulmaliq
S. Amos
J. Mahamood
I. Kareem
N. Kumar


Pot experiment was conducted between June 2019 to October 2019 behind the Faculty of Agriculture Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida  University, Lapai, (09o 02”N and longitude 06o 34”E of the equator)Niger State, to examine the effect of different type of cuttings and
artificial hormone on the sprouting and rootability of mango at lapai. The experiment was laid in 3 × 3 factorial in a Randomized Complete Block design. The experiment consisted of two type of artificial hormone namely moringa water extract and coconut water with a control and three (3) type of cuttings namely soft cutting, semi hardwood and hard wood cuttings replicated 3 times. Data collected include days to sprouting/cuttings, percentage sprouting/cuttings 30 days after planting, number of sprouts/cuttings 30 days after Planting, number of roots/cuttings 30 days after planting, sprout length/cuttings 30 days after planting, roots length/cuttings 30 days after planting. All data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significant means were separated using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% probability level. The result obtained showed that hard wood cuttingsrecorded significantly produced shorter days to sprouting, higher percentage sprouting, higher number of sprouts, longer sprouts and longer roots at 4  weeks after planting. The results of the dipping of cutting in artificial hormone showed that moringa extract recorded significantly shorter days to sprouting, higher percentage sprouting, higher number of sprout, longer sprouts and longer roots at 4 weeks after planting. Therefore, hard wood cutting can be used for propagation of mango provided it is treated with moringa water extract to enhance sprouting and rooting

Key words: Cuttings, Artificial hormone, Soft wood, Semi hard wood, Hard wood

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1118-2733