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Drainage of Splenic Abscess: A Case Report

BB Kombo
PD Okoh


Background: Splenic abscesses are uncommon manifestation of an acute abdomen. We reported a case of splenic abscess managed by tube drainage.
Method: A case report using the case note records of the patient and review of the relevant literature on splenic abscess.
Result: A forty five year old Nigerian who presented with features of splenic abscess and was managed by tube drainage. His post operative recovery was uneventful.
Conclusion: Tube drainage of the splenic abscess is encouraged if there is easy access to the abscess and there is evidence of residual splenic tissue in the critically ill patient.

Key Word: Tube drainage, splenic abscess, splenectomy.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2667-0526
print ISSN: 1115-2613
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