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Management Of Fractures Involving Anterior Wall Of Frontal Sinus

A Agrawal
J Harsha


The frontal sinus is extremely resilient to injury. Isolated anterior table fractures account for 33% of frontal sinus fractures and are the most common type of frontal sinus injury. The most common controversies associated with frontal sinus trauma is the aggressiveness of surgical repair for a given fracture type and most appropriate management of frontal sinus fractures. However primary immediate reconstruction of the frontal bone and sinus is widely accepted. The treatment goals of frontal sinus fractures are an accurate diagnosis, avoidance of short- and long-term complications, return of normal sinus function, and reestablishment of the facial contour. Nondisplaced or minimally displaced (<1-2 mm) isolated anterior table fractures can be managed conservatively with local wound care and analgesics. Patients with mildly displaced anterior table fractures do extremely well after surgical repair. We discuss the relevant anatomy of frontal sinus and management of fractures involving the anterior wall of frontal sinus.

Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma Vol. 6 (2) 2007: pp. 47-51

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-4582