International Journal of Development and Policy Studies 2018-12-08T06:13:12+00:00 Tyoor, F.M. Terhemba Open Journal Systems QDMRC - publisher of the <i>International Journal of Development and Policy Studies</i> - is a social science research-based organisation that works principally on gender, children and social policy research. The organisation currently co-ordinates gender research in all Nigerian higher institutions of learning, in addition to serving as the African Regional headquarters of the Pan-African Gender and Peace Research Group. The research group meets quarterly to review research on topical areas, in addition to considering further researchable areas. Membership of the research group is drawn among prolific academics and is open to interested academics with research interest in gender, peace, development and social policy. Applicants must be scholars of African descent with a track record of research and publications. Combating the Menace of Transnational Human Trafficking in Nigeria: A Challenge to Public Policy. 2018-12-06T10:00:47+00:00 RUP Idemudia <br><br>Savage neo-slave trade appears a befitting name for the current trafficking in persons which had dehumanized the homo-sapien. This is more savagery than its progeny, in which slaves were chained on their legs and necks and bound together in a convoy through Trans-Atlantic route to the white-man\'s country. The new slave trade the trans-National human trafficking, abuses the human element in its sacred part, the soul of womanhood. It is more devastating than the physical torture that was attendant to the trans-Atlantic route between 1445 and 1870. Paradoxically, the new phenomenon has its origin in Africa as with the first, with Nigeria, the old “slave coast”, again playing the arrow-head. This research explores the general characteristics of the illegal trade and identifies major predisposing factors as bad governance, with its ancillary by-products of unemployment, poverty and pervasive corruption in political and bureaucratic leadership. There is deception as well as ignorance on the part of the victims. The trade thrives in African cultural milieu which challenges public policy. Three African regional blocks, are found to be participants or facilitators in the trade, namely: Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) with Nigeria as a principal actor and a transit route; the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the North African Zones with Morocco as serving the “middle passage”. Combating policy in this study recommends a two-track policy model.<br><br><i>International Journal of Policy and Development Studies</i> Vol. 3 2007: pp. 1-15 2008-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Trafficking In Women And Children In Yorubaland: A Pre And Post Colonial Explorations Compared 2018-12-06T10:00:47+00:00 FA Olasupo <br><br>Trafficking in women and children, though a global phenomenon nowadays, it predates civilization, modernization and globalization. Culturally, some aspects of Yoruba people\'s culture encouraged it. Contrary to the UN current view that extracting the labor of women and children in particular, under certain age, was prohibitive, the culture of Yoruba people of Western Nigeria encouraged it. To them, there is a proverb that says that ati kekere laa ti pe kan iroko, to ba dagba tan apa ko nii kaa mo (children are better caught young, or else it would be difficult to mould them when they grow up). This informs the training of children at tender age in the business of trading and engagement in other forms of work.<br><br><i>International Journal of Policy and Development Studies</i> Vol. 3 2007: pp. 16-40 2008-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Styles Of Parenting And Human Trafficking In Africa 2018-12-06T10:00:47+00:00 AE Maliki AN Ngban PN Asuquo <br><br>The act of parenting is the bedrock upon which a child\'s future behaviour and what the child eventually becomes depend. Various styles of parenting exists and the efficacy of any depends on whether it is able to shape the child towards a useful living or pushes him into the path of trafficking. This article therefore, deals with what trafficking in persons means, the concept of parenting, various styles of parenting in relation to trafficking in persons then recommendations are made to serve as a way forward.<br><br><i>International Journal of Policy and Development Studies</i> Vol. 3 2007: pp. 41-49 2008-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Micro-Economic Estimation On The Demand Function For Prostitution In Adamawa State 2018-12-06T10:00:47+00:00 IB Iya <br><br>The article focused on the estimation of the prostitution demand behaviour in Adamawa State. An econometric model was specified based on economic theory and confronted with both primary and secondary data. Ordinary least square multiple regression techniques were adopted and the linear model was chosen as a lead equation. The study revealed that price of prostitution, income level, family size, educational level and marital status influence women decision into prostitution. It was, however, also observed that age was discovered that the price elasticities of demand for prostitution are -. 81 i.e. prostitution as a normal goods. And family size and commercial women elasticities were 1.10 and 57 respectively. The paper however, recommends that grass root economic development strategies that will empower household economically be pursuit vigorously since it was established that determinants of prostitution are poverty-driven.<br><br><i>International Journal of Policy and Development Studies</i> Vol. 3 2007: pp. 50-53 2008-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Explanation of the differences and interrelationships between human smuggling and trafficking in persons. 2018-12-06T10:00:47+00:00 AN Ngban AE Maliki <br><br>Over the years hundred of African men, women and children either willingly or are forcefully being subjected into situations of labour and sexual exploitation both on the continent or abroad. For many African countries, the problem has just recently been acknowledged. Internationally, trafficking in persons and its twin brother human smuggling have been identified as serious threat to humanity by United Nations, pressure groups and various governments. This article therefore, focuses on the meaning of trafficking in persons and human smuggling, their differences, the inter-relationships, the impact of both trafficking in persons and human smuggling on the continent of Africa, and strategies for combating human smuggling and trafficking in persons generally.<br><br><i>International Journal of Policy and Development Studies</i> Vol. 3 2007: pp. 54-59 2008-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Curbing Human Trafficking And The Seed Dispersal Syndrome Through Literaly Education 2018-12-06T10:00:47+00:00 SN Oden SJ Umoh EP Ntukidem PO Ebam <br><br>Trafficking in human beings is a “cancerous” problem that has negative impacts on every aspect of the human society globally. This cancer has assumed alarming dimensions and has been attributed to various factors.The result of trafficking in humans is that people are dislocated from their culture, which can be likened to the seen dispersal syndrome, which equally affects their outlook and adjustment in life. It therefore becomes the concern of many groups and individuals to explore ways of curbing this ugly development. This paper, thus, sees literary education as a potential tool that is capable of re-shaping individuals\' perspectives on human trafficking. It is hoped that this would make them to desist from the practice, so that human beings will retain the dignity which God originally bequeathed on them. The society will thus be a better place for all. To ascertain the causes of human trafficking in Nigeria, the research isolated globally acknowledged factors which were probed by use of questionnaire. Analysis of data revealed that most of the factors equally play a significant role in the scourge of human trafficking in Nigeria. Implications of this practice to both the individual and the society were drawn. Finally, the researcher examined the role which literaly education could play through various available media to curb the trend.<br><br><i>International Journal of Policy and Development Studies</i> Vol. 3 2007: pp. 60-69 2008-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Implications Of Child Trafficking: Illegal Employment And Labour Practices In West And Central Africa 2018-12-08T06:13:12+00:00 RU Obi <br><br>Child labor convention 1999 (No. 182) called for urgent action on the worst forms of child labour which includes “all forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery such as, sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and forced or compulsory labour including forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict”. These types of work are illegal employment and labour practices. They still exist today world-wide. It is the objective of this paper to critically discuss this illegal employment and labour practices with empirical data, and finally proffer suggestions for eradication.<br><br><i>International Journal of Policy and Development Studies</i> Vol. 3 2007: pp. 70-76 2008-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Genesis 37: 25 29 And Its Offered Challenges In The 21st Century Human Trafficking Experiences In Nigeria 2018-12-06T10:00:47+00:00 TA Aluko <br><br>The paper will be looking at issues from the biblical perspective as it relates to trafficking given the setting in Genesis 37 where Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery. The preceding experience was the first recorded instance of one being sent into slavery not as a result of war scenario but because his brothers actually wanted to get rid of him. The paper will however be bringing to light the women experience which has received global attention and we shall be looking at the reasons that have successfully made our women victims of trafficking by drawing from the Nigerian experience. Consequent upon that, we shall be drawing on the effects of the act on the victims and we shall thereafter proffer solutions as to how to redeem the situation with a view of restoring dignity back to humanity in the 21st century respectively.<br><br><i>International Journal of Policy and Development Studies</i> Vol. 3 2007: pp. 77-88 2008-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) An Appraisal Of John 8:3-11 And The Feminist Challenge Against The Denigration Of Women In Our Society 2018-12-06T10:00:47+00:00 TA Aluko <br><br>The paper will take a look at the term adultery from the Biblical setting given the prevailing tradition as expedient within the Jewish world. We would also appraisal the text in line with the needs of our cotemporary age. Having done that, we shall examine the implication of the act on women with special attention been given to the case of the woman in the context under review. Further more, we shall appraise issues from the feminist perspective given the demands of the 21st century experiences and then draw a conclusion on the subject matter.<br><br><i>International Journal of Policy and Development Studies</i> Vol. 3 2007: pp. 89-98 2008-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) The rough theatre: an astute tool for the eradication of human trafficking in Nigeria. 2018-12-06T10:00:47+00:00 AO Taiwo <br><br>At the close of events marking Nigeria\'s independence in 1960, hardly would any one had dreamt of slavery rearing its horrific head again, nor would it had occurred to someone that some Nigerians would grow up to have a resurgence of interest in this dastardly act. However, human trafficking a synonym to slavery has become a lucrative business to a few Nigerians. This act of inhumanity is being aided by foreigners and some blacks in the Diaspora. This paper examines the astute roles which the rough theatre in the light of its societal value, can play in order to eradicate this menace. Theatre “undeniably reflects ways of ordering the society, and, its main aim and anticipated goal is reformation towards charting a new course suitable for the progress of the society.” (Nwosu 2004; 99) This paper suggests ways by which the rough theatre can be used to eradicate human trafficking.<br><br><i>International Journal of Policy and Development Studies</i> Vol. 3 2007: pp. 99-108 Copyright (c)