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Redesigning an innovation section of the Balanced Scorecard model: An African perspective

JK Khomba
FNS Vermaak
DG Gouws


The Balanced Scorecard model was designed for Western countries
that operate within a capitalist system. Africa differs from such Western countries with regard to dimensions such as infrastructure, markets and customers, sources of capital, government intervention, literacy levels and socio-cultural frameworks. Africa is more humanist and socialist in nature than Western societies. The purpose of this study was therefore to redesign the innovation perspective of the Balanced Scorecard model to suggest a new management approach for organisations based in Africa. In this study, exploratory factor analysis and correlation analysis using SPSS Version 16.0 were employed to identify four correlated principal components that could constitute an African innovation perspective of the Balanced Scorecard model, namely: (1) Africanisation values for general issues surrounding African socio-cultural frameworks, (2) learning values
realised when employees gain indigenous culture and knowledge, (3) customer values focused on Africanising customer care and satisfaction, and (4) innovation values, clarifying values gained from skilled and motivated employees. All four components add value to improve productivity and corporate performance.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1998-8125
print ISSN: 1561-896X