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Ukuhlaziywa kwezincazelo nomlayezo owethulwa emagameni emizi yenkosi uMzilikazi An analysis of the meanings and messages presented in King Mzilikazi’s homestead names

Evangeline Bonisiwe Zungu


Amagama emizi abamba iqhaza elibalulekile ekuqinisekiseni ukugcinwa komlando kanye nokufundisa izizukulwane ngolwazi, umlando kanye nendlela yokuphila eyabe ilandelwa yizizukulwane ezandulele esizweni. Ukuqinisekiswa kokuhunyushwa ngendlela komlayezo oqukethwe emagameni emizi kubamba iqhaza elibalulekile ekuqikeleleni ukuthi umlando wesizwe udluliselwa ezizukulwaneni ngendlela efanele nelindelekile. Ezindaweni lapho kuhlangene izinhlanga ezahlukene nezikhuluma izilimi ezingefani, ulwazi olungaba wusizo ekuhambeni kwesikhathi lusengcupheni yokulahlekelwa yisisindo esifanele ngenxa yokungabi khona kwezizinda ezilawula ziphinde ziqinisekise ukudluliselwa kolwazi olufanele olumumethwe emagameni ezindawo ngendlela elindelekile nefanele. Leli phepha liphenya kabanzi ngencazelo nomlayezo owethulwa emagameni emizi esizweni esasiholwa nguMzilikazi Khumalo. Inhloso esemqoka yaleli phepha kube ngukugcizelela ukulandelwa kwenqubo yokwethiwa kwamagama emizi ngaphansi kohlangothi olwaluholwa nguMzilikazi Khumalo noma kwabe sekunguhlangothi olwaluxube izinhlanga ezahlukene. Iphepha liphinde ligcizelela nendlela ukuqinisekiswa kokuhunyushwa kwamagama emizi ngendlela efanele okunomthelela ngayo ekulahlekeni komlando kanye namagugu esizwe. Kuleli phepha kusetshenziswe indlela yekhwalithethivu ukuthungatha imibono eyahlukene evela kubabambiqhaza. Ucwaningo lusebenzise injulalwazi yeHermeneutics kanye nenjulalwazi yesemiyothiki njengezinsizakuhlaziya ekuthungatheni ulwazi ngesihloko socwaningo. Imiphumela yocwaningo iveze ukuthi ukwethiwa kwemizi kaMzilikazi Khumalo kwabe kuncike ezinhlosweni ezahlukene nezibandakanya isu lokuletha ithemba kanye nokukhuthaza isizwe, ukubhinqa, ukuthumela umlayezo wokusabisa ezimbangini zakhe kanye nobudlelwane nemvelo ayephila kuyona. Kuphinde kwagqama nokubaluleka kokuqinisekiswa kokuqashelwa kwemvelaphi yamagama ukuze kuvikelwe umlando nalezo zinto ezingamagugu esizweni.

Homestead names play an important role in ensuring the preservation of history and in educating generations about the knowledge, history and way of life that previous generations followed. Ensuring the correct interpretation of the message contained in the homestead names plays an important role in ensuring that the history of the people is passed on to the next generations in a proper and expected manner. In multilingual and multiracial environments, important information is at risk of losing weight due to the lack of domains that regulate and ensure the transfer of relevant information contained in place names. This article investigates the meaning and message conveyed by the names of homesteads in the people led by Mzilikazi Khumalo. The main purpose of this article is to emphasise the adherence to the naming process under the leadership of Mzilikazi Khumalo in a multicultural and multi-ethnic group. Emphasis was also placed on how the misinterpretation of homestead names contributes to the loss of history and national heritage. In this article, a qualitative approach has been used to seek out different ideas and
opinions from the participants. The study used the hermeneutics and semiotic theories as the analytical tools for the information obtained. The results of the study reveal that the naming of Mzilikazi’s homesteads was based on a variety of goals, including a strategy to bring hope and encouragement to the tribal groups which he was leading. There is also sarcasm, sending a threatening message to his rivals and his relationship with the environment in which he lived. The study also highlights the importance of ensuring the recognition of the origin of names to protect the history and heritage of the people.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2305-1159
print ISSN: 0257-2117