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A comparison of the performance of Holstein and Friesian bulls in the South African Progeny Testing Scheme

H.E. Theron
M.M. Scholtz


The performance of 92 Holstein-Friesian bulls, which were accepted for progeny testing ander the South African National Dairy Animal Performance and Progeny Testing Scheme during 1982, 1983 and 1984, was compared. Bulls which were locally bred for more than one generation were not entered under the Scheme. Only 36% of bulls with local sires were accepted and the majority of Dutch Friesian type bulls were rejected as potential AI bulls. The RBVs (relative breeding values) for milk, butterfat and protein yields of the test bulls were used in the analysis. The factors that were included were GROUP (in which the bull was tested), IMP (the proportion of imported genes), %HOLSTEIN and BREEDER. The factor %HOLSTEIN was found to be significantly related to RBV.milk, RBV.butterfat and RBV.protein (P < 0.05). IMP (P < 0.05) was also found to be significantly related to RBV.butterfat. The Holstein type bulls were more successful than the Dutch Friesian type bulls, as an increasing number of Holstein genes leads to higher breeding values for milk, protein and butterfat yields. Bulls with a high percentage Holstein genes are thus more readily accepted as AI bulls. The Holstein will probably gain in popularity and replace the Dutch Friesian type in South Africa.

'n Vergelyking is getref tussen die prestasies van 92 Holstein-Friestipe bulle wat gedurende 1982, 1983 en 1984 aanvaar is vir prestasietoetsing onder die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Melkbeesprestasie en Nageslagtoetsskema. Bulle wat plaaslik vir meer as een generasie geteel is, is nie getoets nie en slegs 36% van die bulle met plaaslike vaars is aanvaar as potensiële KI-bulle. Min Hollandse Friestipe bulle is aanvaar as potensiële KI-bulle. Die RTWs (relatiewe teelwaardes) vir melk-, bottervet- en proteïenproduksie is in die ontiedings gebruik. Die volgende faktore is ingesluit: GROEP (waarin die bul getoets is), IMP (toegeken op grond van die proporsie ingevoerde gene), %HOLSTEIN en TELER. Die faktor %HOLSTEIN het 'n betekenisvolle verwantskap getoon met RTW.melk, RTW.bottervet en RTW.proteïen (P < 0.05). IMP (P < 0.05) het ook 'n betekenisvolle verwantskap getoon met RTW.bottervet. Die Holsteintipe bulle was meer suksesvol as Hollandse Friestipe bulle aangesien 'n toenemende aantal Holsteingene tot hoër relatiewe teelwaardes vir melk-, proteïen- en bottervetproduksie lei. Bulle met 'n hoër persentasie Holsteingene staan gevolglik 'n beter kans om aanvaar te word as KI-bulle. Die Holstein sal dus waarskynlik verder in gewildheid toeneem en uiteindelik die Hollandse Friestipe in Suid-Afrika grootliks verplaas.

Keywords: Dairy cattle, Holstein-Friesian, relative breeding values.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2221-4062
print ISSN: 0375-1589