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J. Kane-Berman
E.B. Dowdle
N.C. Lee
J.K. Basson
E.B . Dowdle
T.R. Scott
J. A. Temlett
E.D. Bateman
D. Yach
N. Padayachee


Medical audit Audit in Action. Ed. by Richard Smith. Pp. xiv + 245. Illustrated. £10,95. London: British Medical Journal. 1992. Available from Libriger Book Distributors, Bloemfontein.

Rheumatology Bailliere's Clinical Rheumatology: Giant Cell Arteritis and Polymyalgia RheuIDatica. Guest eds B. L. Hazleman and B.-A. Bengtsson. Pp. xi + 507. illustrated. £27,50. London: Bailliere Tindall. 1991.

AIDS, drugs and sexual risk AIDS, Drugs and Sexual Risk. By N. McKeganey and M. Bamard. Johannesburg: Random Century. 1992.

Radiation When is a Dose Not a Dose? By Victor P. Bond. Pp. 39. Illustrated. Bethesda: National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1992.

Autoimmune disease Clinical and Molecular Aspects of Autoimmune Diseases. Vol. 8. Ed. by J. M. Cruse and R. E. Lewis. Pp. x + 258. Illustrated. SFr. 248. Basel: Karger. 1992.

Biochemical toxicology Principles of Biochemical Toxicology. 2nd ed. By J. A. Timbrel!. Illustrated. Pp. 415. RI53,73. London: Taylor & Frands. 1991.

Advances in pineal research Advances in Pineal Research. Vol. 6. Ed. by Andrew Foldes and R. J. Reiter. pp. viii + 286. illustrated. £32,50. London: John Libbey. 1991.

Health care for the future The Future of Health Care. Pp. 83. Illustrated. London: British Medical Journal. 1992.

STDs and AIDS School Health Education to Prevent AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Disease. Pp. 79. SFr. 18. Geneva: World Health Organisation. 1992.

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eISSN: 2078-5135
print ISSN: 0256-9574