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I. Gordon
R. Kirsch
B. Bloch


Portrait of Don Craib In Search of Truth - A Portrait of Don Craib: By E.B. Adams pp. xi + 123. Illustrated.London and New York: Royal Society of Medicine Services. 1990.

Internal medicine Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. 12th ed. Bd. by ].D. Wilson, E. Braunwald, K.]. Isselbacher, et al. pp. xxx + 2208. Illustrated. USA: McGraw-Hill. 1991.

HPV and cervical cancer Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer. Ed. by N. Munoz, F. X. Bosch and O. M. Jensen. Pp. xii + 155. Illustrated. France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. 1989.

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eISSN: 2078-5135
print ISSN: 0256-9574