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L. S. Gillis
Cora de Villiers
Merrick Zwarenstein
S.A. Fellingham
Geraldine Mitton


Mental health services - the future New Directions for Mental Health Services. Ed. by C. A. Taube, D. Mechanic and A. A. Hohmann. pp. xii + 324. Illustrated. Rl72,SO. USA: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation. 1990.

Clinical and Neuropsychological Aspects of Closed Head Injury. Ed. by J. T. E. Richardson. pp. xi + 351. Illustrated. R13l,lO. London: Taylor & Francis. 1990.

Studies in Health Economics 13: Do Expanded Home Care Services Reduce Costs? Ed. by J. H. Sommer. pp. 57. Illustrated. SFr. 8,50. Basle: Pharma Information. 1990.

 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics: A Primer for Clinical Investigators and Decision-makers. Ed. by Michael S. Kramer. pp. xii + 286. Illustrated. DM 76. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 1989.

Food: What's in it for You? Ed. by Anne Bryce. pp. 320. lllusrrated. Cape Town: Don Nelson. 1990.

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eISSN: 2078-5135
print ISSN: 0256-9574