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Book Reviews

Claudia Naidu


The Head and Neck in Roentgen Diagnosis. Volume I & Il. Second Edition. By Eugene P. Pendergrass, M.D., J. Parsons Sehaeffer, M.D., Ph.D. and Philip J. Hodes, M.D. Pp. (Vol. I: Iv + 878 + !xvi) (Vol. Il: xli + 881 + Ixvi). ± 1,740 Figures. £14 (2 vols.). Oxford: Blackwell Seientific Publications. 1956

The Biliary Tract. With special reference to the common bile duct. By Julian A. Sterling, A.B., M.D., M.Med.Se., Se.D., EA.e.S. Pp. 424 with 94 illustrations plus 2 coloured plates. 80s. Od. London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox. 1955.

The Year Book of Rodiology. (1956-1957 Year Book Series). Radiologic Diagnosis. Edited by John Floyd Holt, M.D. and Fred Jenner Hodges, M.D. Radia/ion Therapy. .Edited by Harold W. Jacox, M.D. and Morton M. Kligerman, M.D. pp. 430. 361 Figures. $9'00. Chicago: Year Book Publishers, Inc. 1957.

Biochemical Disorders in Human Disease. Edited by R. H. S. Thompson, M.A., D.M. and E. J. King, Ph.D., D.Se., F.R.I.C. 121 illustrations. Pp. xiv + 843. 90s. London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 1957.

Kurze Geschich/e der Vestibularisforschung. By Ernst Wodak, M.D. Pp. viii + 162. 8 Photos. DM 13·80. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 1956.

Hypo/halamus and Thalamus. Documentary Pictures. Atlas with German and English legends. By W. R. Hess. Pp. x + 70. 246 Figures. DM ~6.-. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 1956.

Physiology of the Nervous System. By E. Geoffrey Walsh, M.A. (Oxon.), M.D. (Harvard), M.R.C.P. (London). With chapters on Somatic Sensibility and the Applied Physiology of Pain by John MarshaU, M.D. (Manchester), M.R.C.P., D.P.M. (London). Pp. xvi + 563. illustrated. 50s. net. London, New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd. 1957.

British National Formulary 1957. By Joint Formulary Committee. Pp. 226. 6s. 6d. (Ordinary) plus 5d. postage, 10s. (interleaved) plus 8d. postage. London: The Pharmaceutical Press. 1957.

Year Book of Cancer-1956-1957 Series. By R. L. Clark, Jr., B.S., M.D., M.Se. (Surgery), D.Sc. (Hon.) and R. W. CurnJey, RA., M.A., Ph.D. Pp. 572. Figs. 210. S7·50. Chicago: Year Book Publishers, Inc. 1957.

Aids 10 Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Fifth Edition. By J. W. Hadgraft, F.P.S.> F.RJ.C. Pp. vii + 259. IOs.6d. London: Bainiere, Tindall and Cox Ltd. 1957.

Differentia/diagnose innerer Krankheiten. 5., neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Von Prof. Dr. R. Hegglin. XVI, 749 Seiten. 459 z.T.mehrfarbige Abbildungen, Gr.-8°. Ganzleinen DM 79·50. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 1957.

Orthopedic Surgery in Tnfancy and Childhood. By Albert Barnett Ferguson, Jr., RA.., M.D. and five other contributors. Pp. xii + 508. 1205. London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, Ltd. 1957.

Chronicle of The World Hea/th Organization-Challenge of Atomic Energy. Vol. 11, No. 8. Pp. 265. Figures 25. Subscription for 1957, 17s. 6d. Price per copy, Is. 9d. Geneva: World Health Organization. 1957.

The Care of the Expectant Mother. By 10 ephine Barnes, D.M.~ ER.e.S. (Eng.), ER.C.O.G. Pp. x + 270. Illustrations. 30s. net. London: Pitman Medical Publishing Co., Ltd. 1956..

Chemical Methods in Clinical Medicine. Fourth Edition. By G. A. Harrison, M.D., B.Ch., FR.I.C. Pp. xi + 667. Figs. 158. 65s. net. London: J. & A. ChurchiU Ltd. 1957.

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