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Book Reviews

Claudia Naidu


Basic Surgery. Edited by Leslie Oliver, M.B., B.S. (Lond.), FR.C.S. (Eng.), FA.C.S. Pp. xvi + 1360. 680 illustrations, including 4 coloured plates. £6 6s. Od. net. London: H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd. 1958.

Injuries and Surgical Diseases of the Ischium. By Henry Milch, M.D: Pp. x+163. 106 figures. SI0.50. New York: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc. 1958.

Clinical Endocrinology. 2nd edition. By Karl E. Paschkis, M.D., Abraham E. Rakoff, M.D. and Abraham Cantarow, M.D. Pp. xii+941. 274 illustrations, 6 in full colour. 18.00. New York: Paul B. Hoeber Inc. 1958.

A Symposium on the EvalUaTion of Drug Toxicity. Edited by A. L. Walpole, Ph.D., B.Sc. and A. Spinks, M.A., Ph.D., B.Sc. Pp. xi+138. 58 illustrations. 25s. net. London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 1958.

Leukemia. By William Dameshek, M.D. and Frederick GUDZ, M.D., Ph.D. pp. xi+420. 142 figures. S15.75. New York and London: Grune & Stratton, Inc. 1958. Obtainable in South Africa through Westdene Products Ltd., P.O. Box 7710, 23 Essanby House, Jeppe Street, Johannesburg.

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