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O. W. Prozesky
Z Van der Spuy
D.R. Hardie
R.M. Pelteret
A. D. Rothberg
Nagin Parbhoo


Progress in Medical Virology. Vol. 39. Ed. by J. L. Melnick. Pp. x + 270. Illustrated. £115,70. Basel: S Karger. 1992.

Assisted reproduction Micromanipulation of Human Gametes and Embryos. By J. Cohen, H. E. Malter, Beth E. Talansky and J. Grifo. pp. ix + 325. Illustrated. $111,50. New York: Raven Press. 1992.

Congenital rubella syndrome EpideIDio1ogy and Infection. Vo!. 107 No. 1. Ed. by J. R. Partison, D. Baxby, J. G. Cruickshank, C. R. Madeley and W. C. Noble. Pp. viii + 239. Illustrated. £25. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1991.

Rural and urban hospitals The Hospital in Rural and Urban Districts: Report of a WHO Study Group on the Function of Hospitals at the First Referral Level. pp. vii + 74. SFr.120. Geneva: World Health Organisation. 1992.

Perinatology Perinato1ogy: Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series. Vol. 26. Ed. by Erich Saling. pp. xiii + 194. illustrated. $69. New York: Raven Press. 1992.

Anaesthetists Five Decades: The South African Society· of Anaesthetists 1943 - 1993. By Nagin Parbhoo. 330 pages and 70 phoros and illustrations. Published by the South African Society of Anaesthetists. Printed by National Book Printers.


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2078-5135
print ISSN: 0256-9574