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Book Reviews

Claudia Naidu


Poisoning. 2nd ed. Toxicology, symptoms, treatments. By J. M. Arena, B.S., M.D. Pp. x...xv + 715. $43.50. Springfield, ill.: Charles C. Thomas. 1970.

PracTical Management of the Allergic Child. By V. J. Fontana, M.D., F.A.A.P., FA.A.A. Pp. xii + 371. Illustrated. S15.00. New York: AppJeton-Century-Crofts. 1969.

Advances in Biology of Skin. Vol. X: The dermis. Ed. by W. Montagna, J. P. Bentley and R. L. Dobson. Pp. xviii + 302. Illustrated. $18.50. New York: Appleton-CenturyCrofts. 1970.

XXth International Tuberculosis Conference. Under the auspices of the International Union against Tuberculosis and National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Association, New York, September 1969. Conference proceedings. Ed. by J. Holm. Pp. 397. £10.5.0. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica. 1970.

Operative Neurosurgery: Vo!. 2: Posterior fossa, spinal ,?ord, and peripheral nerve dIsease. By L. G. Kempe. Pp. ~ + 281. lllustrated. DM 176,00. Berlin and New York: SpnngerVerlag. 1970.

The Biological Basis of Medicine. Vols. 5 and 6. Ed. by E. E. and N. Bittar. Pp. xv + 548 and xv + 618. Approx. £7.0.0. ea. London: Academic Press. 1969.

Reconstructive Anatomy. A method for the study of human structure. By M. Amold, M.B., B.Ch. (Rand), F.R.C.S. (Edin.). Pp. xii + 529. Illustrated. London and Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. 1968.

Illustrated Manual of Laboratory Diagnosis. Indications and interpretations. By R. D. Collins, M.D. Pp. xv + 299. Illustrated. £10.10.0. London: Pitman Medical Publishing Co. 1968.

Pulmonary Arteriovenous Fistula. A case:finding study and clinico-Iaboratory analysis of 27 cases. Deur H. Sluiter-Eringa en H. J. Sluiter. Pp xi + 126. GeIllustreer. Hfl. 44,00. Nederland: Royal Vangorcum. 1969.

Medical Records, Medical Education, and Patient Care. The problem-oriented record as a basic tool. Deur L. L. Weed, M.D. Pp. x + 273. GeIllustreer. $9.95. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers. 1969.

Violence and the Brain. By V. H. Mark, M.D. and F. R. Ervin, M.D. Pp. xiv + 170. Illustrated. $6.95. 'ew York: Harper & Row. 1970.

Der SemI des Chirurgen. Deur W. MUller-Osten. Pp. xii + 253. DM 28,-. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 1970.

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