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Book Reviews

Claudia Naidu


Aids to Dispensing. Fifth Edition. Revised by G. M. Watson, B.Pharm., F.P.S. Pp. vii + 167, with 7 Illustrations. 7s. 6d. net. London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox Ltd. 1956.

Neurological Nursing. A Practical Guide. By John Marshall,' M.D., M.R.C.P., M.R.C.P.Ed., D.P.M. Pp. vii + 166. Figures 83. 18s. 6d. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1956.

Diseases of the Chest. By H. Corwin Hinshaw, M.D., Ph.D· and L. Henry Garland, M.B., B.Ch. Pp. x + 727 + 634 Illustrations on 277 figures. 15.00. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders Company. 1956.

Currenc Therapy-I 9'56. Latest Approved Methods of Treatment for the Practising Physician. Edited by Howard F. Conn, M.D. Pp. xxx + 632. SI 1.00. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders Company. 1956.

Extrapyramidaal Syndroom of Situatief Gedrag. Door dr. A. C. Lit. BIz. 251. f 12.50. Amsterdam: oord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij. 1956.

Physical Diagnosis. Fifth Edition. By Ralph H. Major, M.D. and MaWon H. Delp, M.D. Pp. xi + 358. 536 Figures. 87.00. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders Company. 1956.

The Principles and Practice of Medicine. A Text-book for Students and Docrors. Third Edition. By Sir Stanley Davidson, BA (Caorab.), M.D., P.R.C.P.Ed., ER.C.P. (Lond.), M.D. . (Oslo). Pp. viii + 1,076. 73 Figures. VII Plates. 35s. net. Postage Is. 9d. Abroad. Edinburgh and London: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. 1956.

l.A.M.A. Clinical Abstracts of Diagnosis and Treatment. Published with the Approval of the Board of Trustees, Anierican Medical Association. Pp. vii + 661. S5.50. ew York and London: Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation with Grune & Stratton, Inc. 1956.

Klinische Pharmakologie der Herz- und Kreislaufkraakheiten als Grundlage einer individuellen Therapie. By Hans Seel, M.D. Pp. 268. DM 19.60. Hippocrates-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany. 1956.

A Practical Handbook of Psychiatry for Students and Nurses. New Third Edition. By Louis Minski, M.D., ER.C.P., D.P.M. Pp. 144. 7s. 6d. net. London: WiJliam Heinemann-Medical Books-Ltd. 1956.

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