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Book Reviews

Claudia Naidu


Atlas de Radiologie Clinique de La Presse Medicale. (5erie la 100 1953-58.) 1,764 figures. Paris: Masson et Cie. 1958.

The Year Book of Dermatology and Syphilology-l 957-58. Edited by Rudolf L. Baer, M.D. and Victor H. Witten, M.D. Pp. 492. 64 figures. 8.00. Chicago: Year Book Publishers, Inc. 1958.

The Year Book ofUrology-1957-58. Edited by William Wallace Scott, M.D., Ph.D. Pp. 359. 79 figures. 87.50. Chicago: Year Book Publishers, Inc. 1958.

The lllterference Microscope in Biological Research. By Arthur J. Hale, M.B., Ch.B., Ph.D. Pp. xi+1I4. 95 figures. 205. net + Is. 4d. postage abroad. Edinburgh and London: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. 1958.

Laborarory Medicine-Hematology. By John B. Miale, M.D. pp. 735. 192 illustrations. 9 plates, including 5 in colour. South African price: £5 17s. Od. St. Louis: The C. V. Mosby Company. 1958.

Brirish Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London. Lecrures on the Scientific Basis ofMedicine. Volume VI. 1956-57. pp. ix+393. Illustrations. 45s. net. London: University of London, The Athlone Press. 1958.

Neomycill. Its nature and practical application. Edited by Selman A. Waksman. Pp. x+412. 41 figures. 4Os. London: Bailliere, TindaII and Cox Ltd. 1958.

Histopathologie der Twnoren der Kiefer und der MUlldlzohle. Von Pro£. Dr. E. Langer. vii+167 Seiten. 212 Abbildungen. DM 49.50. Stuttgart: George Thieme erlag. 195 .

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