Published: 2022-08-23

Abundance, spatial distribution and threats to Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in an Important Marine Mammal Area in Tanzania

Magreth P. Kasuga, Modest D. Varisanga, Tim R.B. Davenport, Narriman Jiddawi, Gill T. Braulik


Additions to the marine decapod (Crustacea: Decapoda) fauna of South Africa

Jannes Landschoff, Charles L. Griffiths, Lara J. Atkinson, Kerry J. Sink, Thomas P. Botha


Patterns of fish community structure in protected and non-protected marine areas of mainland Tanzania

Fausta G. Salema, Nsajigwa E. Mbije, Eliezer B. Mwakalapa, Alfan A. Rija


Phytoplankton distribution along a salinity gradient in two Kenyan saltworks (Tana and Kurawa)

Sheban M. Hinzano, Francis A. Okalo, Morine M. Ngarari, Mary A. Opiyo, Erick O. Ogello, Alexander M. Fulanda, Dan O. Odiwour, Betty Nyonje


Review of fisheries and management of sea cucumbers in the Indian Ocean

Chantal Conand, Michel Claereboudt, Chamari Dissayanake, Ameer Ebrahim, Stella Fernando, Rodney Godvinden, Thierry Lavitra, Marc Léopold, Twalibu K. Mmbaga, Thierry Mulochau, Shafiya Naaem, Stanley Shea, Devarajen Vaitilingon, Saleh Yahya, Kim Friedman


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2683-6416
print ISSN: 0856-860X
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