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Prevalence of Salmonella and their antibiotic susceptibility patterns in the District of Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

AC Bonny
ATG Karou
M Sanogo
K Atobla
SL Ahonzo-Niamke


A study was conducted to estimate the prevalence, antibiotic susceptibility and distribution of Salmonella strains in raw chicken gizzards in 11 municipalities (Abobo, Adjame, Anyama, Attecoube, Bingerville, Cocody, Koumassi, Marcory, Port-Bouet, Treichville and Yopougon) in the District of Abidjan. Sixty six (66) samples of chicken gizzards were collected between April and September 2012. From the total of 66 samples tested,  Salmonella was isolated in 77.27% (51/66). One hundred and four strains (104) were isolated and fifteen distinct serotypes identified: Derby (18.9 %), Budapest (17%), Essen and S. Kentucky (11.3%), Hadar (9.4%), Agona (7.5%), Chester, Ruiru, Schwarzengrund (3.8%), Aoto, Bargny, Elisabethville, Fortune, Poeslderf and Santiago (1.9%). Serogroup O:4 was the most prevalent (67.3 %). Prevalence of other serogroups were 18.3% for O:8, 10.6% for O:3,10, 1.9% for O:21, 1% for O:1,3,19 and O:13. Antibiotic profiles of Salmonella spp. showed 93.37 % of resistance to cotrimoxazole, 73.08% to tetracycline, 46.15% to ticarcilline, 35.58% to nalidixic acid and resistance rates . 30% to chloramphenicol and  ciprofloxacin. Strains were found susceptible to cefoxitim (100%),  cefotaxim (99.04 %), cephalotin (90.38%), amoxicillin and  amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (92.31%) and gentamycin (89.42%).

Keywords: Salmonella, raw chicken gizzards, serogroups, antibiotic susceptibility, Cote dfIvoire.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1997-342X
print ISSN: 1991-8631