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In vitro antifungal activity of the soap formulation of the hexane leaf extract of morinda morindoides (morinda; rubiaceae)

A Touré
C Bahi
I Bagré
J.D N'Guessan
A.J Djama
A Coulibaly


Purpose: The aim of this study was to formulate the hexane extract of the leaves of Morinda morindoides (Baker) Milne-Redh (Rubiaceae) as soap and evaluate its antifungal activity against fungal isolates of human origin. Method: The hexane extract of Morinda morindoides was incorporated as an antifungal agent in soap (SMM) and tested against 4 strains of dermatophytes (Candida albicans, Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Aspergillus fumigatus) using basic soap (BS) as control. Agar dilution method at serial concentrations ranging from 125 mg/ml to 3.9 mg/ml was used for the determination of the antimicrobial parameters - MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) and IC50 (concentration producing 50 % inhibition) for these strains.
Result: The growth of all fungal strains tested was inhibited by the Morinda morindoides extract soap (SMM) at MIC of 31.25 mg/ml. On the other hand, basic soap (control) inhibited Candida albicans at MIC of 125 mg/ml and at MIC of 62.50 mg/ml for the other 3 strains tested. Thus, SMM showed stronger antifungal activity against the strains tested than the control (basic soap). Conclusion: The hexane extract of Morinda morindoides leaves incorporated in soap exerted antifungal activity against the fungal strains tested. Thus, this soap formulation may find use in the treatment of dermatomycoses.

Keywords: Morinda morindoides; Antifungal activity; Hexane extract; Soap; Dermatophytes

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-9827
print ISSN: 1596-5996