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Peace in the spirituality of Thomas á Kempis. An aesthetic perspective on the <i>Imitatio Christi</i> 4.25


The Imitatio Christi of Thomas á Kempis reflects the transformative contribution of the Devotio Moderna as a reform movement from the 14th to the 16th century to the religious discourse up to modern times. This contribution focuses on the theme of peace in the Imitatio Christi 4.25 as a key to Thomas’ spirituality and the Devotio Moderna. The first section of this article scrutinises the unique aesthetical nature of the text in terms of its spiritual impact and its contribution to an adequate understanding of the chapter. The article then analyses the two main aspects of peace that emanate from an aesthetic analysis of the chapter, namely its divine nature as spiritual gift. A second section analyses the interiorising of peace as the human response to the divine gift and, finally, examines the mystical quality of the chapter in its discussion about the heart of peace as
resting in God.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2309-9089
print ISSN: 1015-8758