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Fake and Counterfeit Drug: A review

OV Buowari


BACKGROUND: Drugs are used to cure or treat disease, relieve symptoms, ease pain, prevent disease or symptoms,eliminate or reduce symptoms and to slow the disease process. The problem of fake drugs is wide spread affecting both developing and developed nations, assumes added significance in view of rapid globalisation and is assuming a dangerous dimension in most countries. METHODOLOGY: A review of literature on counterfeit drug and it impact was done. The articles were accessed from public libraries, as well as online through internet search engines and relevant information extracted. RESULTS: The burden of counterfeit is a enormous and can result in treatment failure, end organs damage and toxicity, death, economic loss as well as of loss of confidence in the healthcare system Conclusion: Trade in counterfeit drugs appears to be wide spread and affects both developing and developed countries. The fight against counterfeit and fake drugs is multisectional and requires a prolonged approach. It requires all stake holders to contribute actively in order to achieve success.

Keywords: Counterfeit, drugs, review

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2536-6718
print ISSN: 2141-162X
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