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Tradition and modernity in Adebowale’s The Virgin and Out of His Mind

S Ojedoja
A.S. Abubakar


Before the advent of the Europeans, African had a balanced society where every endeavour was guided by societal values and norms. This work negates the principle that city life is better than village life and also highlight on morality as opposing lyrics perceived in tradition and modernity. The adverse effects of European incursion into Africa had brought permissiveness into African society to an extent that things have fallen apart and the centre of our cherished values and norms can no longer hold. The conflict between tradition and modernity (conflicts with culture, attitudes, behaviour, values, tastes) displayed by the major characters from the canvas on which the author weaves his vision.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2070-0083
print ISSN: 1994-9057