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Physico-Chemical Stability Studies of Neem (Azadirachta indica) Seed Oil Cream

OI Aremu


Neem oil cream is a semi solid formulation that is being developed for its therapeutic activity dermatologically. The need for stability of the new formulation over the period of its shelf life remains a sacred factor. In the present study, neem oil had been extracted from the ripe seed of Azadirachta indica (A. juss) plant. The oil was formulated using vanishing cream base because of its cosmetic advantage at concentrations (0%w/w – 10.0% w/w) with 0% w/w serving as control formulation. The formulations at storage temperature 250C – 300C were observed for physical changes using basic parameters over a period of 12 months representing long term stability studies approach. Chemically, the formulations were investigated for changes in pH, viscosity and specific gravity during the period of study. The result shows that neem oil cream formulations maintain its physical and chemical integrity throughout the entire period of study concern. Hence, stability is not a problem for neem oil in a vanishing cream base formulation.


Keywords:Neem oil, Stability, Shelf life, Formulations

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2070-0083
print ISSN: 1994-9057