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Genomic diversity among Basmati rice (Oryza sativa L) mutants obtained through 60Co gamma radiations using AFLP markers

M Rashid
L Ren-hu
J Wei
X Yong-han
W Fu-lin
T Yue-zhi
W Jun-mei
AA Cheema
C Jin-qing
G He


Mutation breeding can be considered successful in obtaining new cultivars and broadening the genetic base of rice crop. In order to obtain new varieties of rice with improved agronomic and grain characteristics, gamma radiation (60Co) has been used to generate novel mutants of the Basmati rice. In this study rice cultivars; Basmati-370 and Basmati-Pak, were exposed to different doses of gamma radiations and stable mutants along with parents were studied for genomic diversity on the basis of molecular marker (AFLP). Morphological data showed that mutants of Basmati-370 performed well for yield and yield components and grain physical parameters whereas, the mutant EL-30-2-1 has extra long rain trait as compared to the parent (Basmati-Pak). The genetic variations determined through AFLP revealed a total of 282 scorable bands, out of which 108 (37.81%) were polymorphic. The number of fragments produced by various primers combinations ranged from 11 - 26 with an average of 17.63
fragments per primer combination. Maximum 26 bands were amplified with P-AAG/M-CAG primer combination and minimum one band was amplified with P-ATG/M-CTA primer combination. Two groups of genotypes were detected; group-A had DM-1-30-3-99, DM-1-30-34-99 and EF-1-20-52-04 mutants along with parent Basmati-370, whereas the group-B contained EL-30-2-1 and parent Basmati-Pak. The results of AFLP analysis indicated that the rate of polymorphism was 4.43% (DM-1-30-3-99), 4.25% (DM-
1-30-34-99) and 6.38% (EF-1-20-52-04) among the genomes of mutants and parent Basmati-370, respectively, whereas polymorphism rate was 5.32% between genome of EL-30-2-1 and Basmati-Pak. The study further confirmed that the use of gamma radiations is an effective approach for creating new rice germplasm.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1684-5315