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A taxonomic study of the genus Fibigia Medik. (Brassicaceae)

O Çetin
A Duran
E Martin
S Tustas


In this study, Purpureae A.Duran and Ö.Çetin sect. nov. is described under the genus Fibigia Medik. The taxa of the genus were revised under the sections Fibigia and Purpureae. Fibigia clypeata (L.) Medik was classified as F. clypeata (L.) Medik subsp. clypeata and subsp. anatolica A.Duran & Tustas subsp. nov., and Fibigia eriocarpa (DC.) Boiss. was rearranged as F. clypeata (L.) Medik subsp. clypeata var. eriocarpa in Turkish Flora. The infrageneric and subgeneric keys were revised. Seed and pollen surface ornamentations were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The pollens examined have tricolpate aperture type and reticulate surface ornamentation. Seed surface ornamentation was reticulate. The taxa of the genus Fibigia have a diploid chromosome number of 2n=16. Karyotype analyses of the taxa were carried out for the first time. It was found that each taxon differed in chromosome morphology.

Key words: Fibigia, morphology, pollen, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), new taxa, Turkey.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1684-5315